5,000 SONG NFT
Time grows things. Just like your mentality, and, or; your imagination. When maturing; you see life, genuinely different. I have already retired multiple times. This time; it's different. Not, that each time, was not different. But, very valuable lessons, have been learned along the way. Success, can mean so many things; to so many people. And, it is the same, whenever achieving a goal. For me; this movie keeps getting better and better. I am listening to Episode iii: Revenge Of The Sith.
What is the dark side? The unknown.
I have learned more from the people, whom I have been working so hard for; than the opposition. Traveling the world, has given me a global perspective. Its amazing. I try my best to explain it to others. But, I am just speaking Japanese, to a Chinese person. It looks the same. Sounds similar. But it is not the same. And Mandarin, does not count. Every village has its own unique dialect.
Mandarin is just a start; a base line, of understanding.
Now. As far as me. I look forward to learning all of them. I aim to speak every language humanly possible; throughout the rest of my life. I personally study all martial arts. And it will bring me closer to each culture. I want to even perfect the Brazilian mixed martial arts; dances. These are all elements, that only add to my educational portfolio. In fact I want to listen to my own podcast/ radio show, on Spotify.
It's called the Venom R Motivation. Wherever you pod. It is available.
I am interested in some business insights. This also helps my creative process.
I feel amazing with this age of 41 years; younger. My intuition is sharper than ever. Now I know all of the business clues to look for. I understand that data moves in a multi directional, non binary way. These are things; I only dreamed of in 1995. I thought traveling to the future would make a difference, and that it would be instantaneous. But, I had to live each moment, in a fast forward motion. I remember having my first children; and thinking that I was mature. To even; handle the responsibility.
Looking back now; I was a child, trying to figure life out, all at once. I was misguided, and it cost me years and years of such valuable time. Now looking back into perspectives, of those times; the answers were always in my hands. Nothing ever taught me to look within. At least for other purposes, other than music. Yesterday I was both advised and inspired. A true success story, of millions; all accomplished with hard work, consistency and a vision of the future. This person, had a solid savings plan, and now will re- retire; once again. Just like me. But, I do have a few years to my advantage.
This gentleman won the game of life, in every possible way that I can imagine. Plus; even better. He made sure that his entire clan; won. That; is, amazing. And I am so very proud to have had the honor, and the privilege to host a conversation at that particular moment. I also learned how, the exact same speech, or key notes; were absorbed differently; among a group of intellectuals.
I personally; myself, granted myself 72 hours, to evaluate things. I had to fly higher above the clouds, in order to better study the terrain. I decided to take a walk, hike and a cardio work out walk to the public library; to work in silence, and in peace. At least, not by myself. There are other students here, catching up on finals and exams.
This term is almost done. I am already thinking about picking my summer classes by Monday. I am not late, as of yet. But I am also, not early. I had to travel frequently; as of recent. And I had a lot of chapters to get up to date; by myself. All of the materials; I took with me. But, I had zero time to get to it. I had to deal with my parents and my loved ones. And of course their retirements, and all of their investments. At least; the most essential ones.
Everyone in my family is an entrepreneur. So they always have another investment, on the side; in development.
I can relate.
I completely understand.
A close friend made a very valuable point to me, several days ago. He said. Maybe, God's will, was not for those times; for me to reach my full potential, peak and success. Both personal, and in business. And I agreed. I feel that these are my best years; ever. I am fully aware of the entire system now. Life has facets. Some personal. Some inner; deep down inside. Then, you also have external factors. Business; education and the world wide economy. This is above any, politics of any of that bullshit. As you all know. All I listen to, or watch is financial news.
That's it.
No time for bullshit.
Well. Moving on. There are things that you are in control of. And there are things that you are not, in control of. That is okay, because; that, is, part of the process. There will be times, where you want to control everything. For example, in running your own business, franchise, investment, or enterprise. Then there will come a time, where you invest it all into a portfolio, or another type of business; separate from you. Where the income, or revenue stream will be passive. And you wont have to do much, other than check portfolio balance, values and data points; of its movement in the markets. There are opportunities worldwide.
You have the exact same capacity, and capabilities as everyone else. I am not asking you to be Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan. I mean in the sense of building all of your own credentials. Then using those same tools as building blocks, for any of your goals. I will try to give you a wild card example. You, adjust it to whatever works best for you. I had to be around my business partners, who were all retired, in order to realize that I was, indeed; retired myself. I would go 200 MPH + , and startle them. They would ask themselves; why?
Why is he still traveling at that maniac pace?
I had to realize that I was the only one running; at full speed 24/7. For what? I started my golf career to help my business partners; and never once considered myself. Can you imagine what I learned on those golf courses; about, life? I could write a library of books, and novels about it; endlessly. There is so much, that I could share, even if ever so lightly; to help any serious entrepreneur. I also realized, that many entrepreneurs today; don't read.
Very sad. Very, very sad.
During these politically sensitive times; people can be triggered to a false narrative, or judgement, fairly easily. That was a tongue twister. Got it in though.
Another thought captured.
I realize the importance of a background in psychology. It helps me in business; on a daily basis. Even at times, when those around me, get upset. I am like; chill out. Calm down. It is not that serious. That is my perspective.
I remember a time when, I spoke with another person; also retired. They shared with me their financial portfolio; and the same thing. I thought to myself; arrogantly. I passed this person; eclipsed them, years ago. Eons ago.
Why am I stressing myself out?
When I ran all seven days, open to close, at such a young age, during my first marriage, and child, taking care of my entire clan; nobody understood me. And today at age 41, not 13; they still don't understand me. I wrote and published 12 books, that became 9 volumes. God damn. I should have nothing else to say verbally. Jesus. Christ.
After decades of education, and a continuing education today; as we speak, you would think. That was enough? NOpe. Nice try. There is a little wild card here. Its called jokers wild. This thing called life, is the ultimate wildcard. There zero guarantees; in anything. Just like the weather; things change; daily. Like a stock certificate in a marriage, career, or any commitments. I look at things from my portfolio; standpoint. I am playing with the future, in the future. My mind is not from here. I do not belong in a world of any limitations.
I realize today, that anything is possible. One of my first goals was $250,000.00. Done. My focus is on Trillions of Euro's now, in Bitcoin.
I thought about doing other things, but I bought a car with that. Guess what. This thing needs gas. Insurance. Maintenance. Oil. Spark plugs; everything. I am stuck at work, inside my own businesses for 16 hours a day. The car adorns the parking lot for those 16 hours. Plus an hour commute there to two hours, each way; back and forth.
This is what my entire existence is all about?
A car with four tires, that is like a coffee machine. If you don't use it; it does not work, or have any other function for you. I run over shit pellets, with those thousand dollar tires; for what? Piss, oil, dirt, random shit on the road surfaces etc. You mean to tell me that I saved 5 years of my life; for this?
Great motivation but, what the fuck was I thinking?
I need a house. I have a family. I need an investment, I need a business. I have to get my priorities straight. Hold on. Its time to hit the reset button on my Nintendo. I have to power up my Sega. I only use my Super Nes, for certain games, or titles. This is how I was viewing my life. All of this hit me at once. One of my business partners took one day off, to ride his Harley Davidson. Every week. Wow? Could I do that?
Something so simple.
Okay. I continued to build my show cars, and race cars, and collect cars but, now I took a specified time frame, to drive and actually enjoy all of my cars. I was driven more to a deeper appreciaction, where I wanted now to fully restore them back to zero miles. Even the race cars. I figured that if I was to be killing myself day in and day out; this would be a reward, or a token of appreciation to myself. For once.
I deserve it. Why not? Why am I always first to put myself; last?
I had to master my own psychology, in order to fully understand that. You know what just popped into my head? The C8 Corvette. You all know that the Type R is my baby. The price is right. And the Mustang has lost some of its special sauce to me.
My office building has a tenant that drives a fully built car. From the factory. Black on black. All factory options. Aftermarket suspension. And some nice rims. Its lowered just right. All mods are fully functional. Its not this or that. Whatever. But. I want it. This reminds me of a young lady, who also, gave me her portfolio to fully analyze and evaluate, for her. I also thought to myself. I am in another galaxy by comparison. Why am I driving myself to these extremes?
I learned to slow down.
I am not in control, nor will I forever be in control. The Universe moves to its own groove. We are passengers; like it or not. Why fight the Sun and its sunlight? For what?
All of these issues, were internal.
I understood, that I was now experiencing a new learning curve. I remember working for Nissan and Ray Brandt. Shift was one of our marketing campaigns. I had to learn how to shift my perspective, not my velocity. What is truly important in my life? What are those essentials? To live my best possible life. Little by little, people started to walk out of my life. One by one, and bit by bit.
At first I did not understand. But, I soon learned that God had placed a higher standard, in my entire life. And this change would be a total eclipse of the heart. Or perhaps what I held, wrongfully as valuable. I always knew about price. What I had just started to learn, was value. My focus had to be laser sharp, but now, at all times; and in all things. So for example, I had to apply this to buying cold cuts at the grocery, as much as buying the Corvette C8R.
No different than evaluating stocks and bonds, etf's, at the global stock markets.
Remember that there are possibilities, everywhere.
If a business venture, is not fit for this market; look outside, abroad for more and even newer opportunities. In my music career, its all about China, India, Europe and the middle east. Actually all of Asia and Canada, the Caribbean and Central America. I feel just like those corporate juggernauts, who had to open all new business offices and buildings; overseas.
I had to surprise my team and let them know, that our corporate offices were heading to Japan. Deal with it. I even have an additional, bonus business there in English education. Something so simple, yet so effective in that market. Linguistics is huge in Asia, for obvious reasons. Also, I have a franchise opportunity for, a fast food; Top Rammen place. Who would have thought?
This is just an example.
With one successful business venture, an idea props up for another. Then, that particular investment matures. Now, moving on for the second investment. And now, an initial investment sprouts, another; additional, second business. That's two a piece. One business venture, had just quadrupled, right in front of my eyes. My business partners, of course, sit back in amazement.
But the reality is that, we all learned a set of extremely valuable lessons together.
One of the main factors, that this marvelous person mentioned to me, was the location of his 3 and final retirement. He actually picked a place. I had never managed to commit to that. He gave me his entire game plan. And again, I thought to myself. Wow. It's time that I start to do that.
I picked a place, that will always be dear to my heart. Like finding a long lost diamond. And I thought to myself. Let me place; a, self control, system, on myself. I don't need to stand out, and drive my set of Mclaren 12C's. The Corvette is less than, half the price of one, used, Mclaren 12C's.
Done deal.
It's time to play the Infinity Republic Game.
I can build the baddest C8R, at home by hand, using a base model.
It has a full factory warranty. All of the time I need to source all of my parts. When the warrantee is up; I will Twin Turbo it. And I want a high ass carbon fiber wing in the back; just like the Ferrari F50.
It will be my F40.
Then I could buy another collectible car, but only once I achieve that goal.
I have to pace myself. In this fine community, I can live the life that I always wanted to live. Away from the Hollywood bullshit. And still closer to nature, and God.
Great for your mental health, as well as your physical wellness.
Simple life. Great people all over; Gods people.
That is all I need.
No drama. No nonsense. Just me and my loved ones. Living a peaceful life.
For the thrills and kicks; I have my music career. That's it. I can enjoy my cars in my downtime; and still get all business done, and taken care of with technology.
And. That's it.
That's all folks.
I have a set of years allocated to my tours. And then. Moving on.
There is no need to rush. I am certain of exactly what I want, and I am going for it.
No more free interviews. No more insight. If my life was an Iphone, I am going into silent mode/ airplane mode. Complete privacy; once again.
You have to realize that I have been on a non-stop media tour for several years. I have been negotiating, and still making all new music; producing all new products for the actual market. I have been making sure my kids engage in the college thing, as well as handling everything else. I still help my old business partners; from time to time. And my world tour just launched May 1, 2024.
I do weddings, Sweet 16"s and Quinceaneras. I am available worldwide.
Reach out to me here. And I will fly out to you anywhere in the world, in my own private jets.
Full payment must be deposited the day of the actual contract signing.
You are to take care of all logistics and lodging.
Wardrobe. Hotel suites. Rental cars. Food and liquor. And any other special requests, or arrangements. That also includes my entire family and my entire staff.
God bless. I love you all.
I will give you an additional example; for just, today. This is from today, as well.
I spoke briefly with this young lady. I asked her, how long she lived here. She said three years. That's all of the motivation and inspiration; I needed. She is older, but still looking forward to working with the city, from 20 to 25 years. This is only year three for her. Did her new life begin now, or in the last 30+ years she was preparing; waiting for this opportunity?
Was she driven by the $30,000.00 + per year, or the benefits of the 25 years of hard work; where she would be fully pensioned? The concept applies here. Savings, and of course; hard work and dedication. What makes me any better? I will be working with Tesla and for Elon Musk in a few more months. Yes. I am a super star artist. But, I also have much, much bigger plans; ahead of me. I have fine-tuned the fine dance, of being an artist and a super star, and an entrepreneur. I still have so much energy, to do other things. And not only do I want to do other things; I look forward to them.
The same is true with my New Corvette C8. It will grant me peace of mind and time; to focus on other things. Selling my 5,000 song music catalog as an NFT, is my start. I am done with all other negotiations. Let my staff handle that. Let this be my final Black Rock Edition Series.
I have spoiled you all.
I actually thought about returning to the music studio. Now I look forward to it. I have not released a new album in several weeks. That is a career first for me.
Also. The albums that I am touring are cult classics. I can perform these two albums; one in Spanish, the second in English, for the rest of my life. This is yet another franchise for me. I can perform at any public school worldwide, for any fundraiser that they have; at a little over cost and still generate millions of dollars for myself.
$50,000.00/ Year. $100,000.00? Easy. With my eyes closed; and enjoying my new Corvette, while I am learning about my new retirement life.
Santa Barbara. The coast line. The beaches. The food.
How I miss you.
I look forward to the following days, weeks and months to achieve those goals. There are so many little pet projects that I have; like buying an all new computer. Simple, basic shit. I am a kid from Harlem and The Bronx. Look at me with a set of private jets, and international car collection, author of 12 books, in 9 volumes, with a music catalog of over 5,000 songs. A Guinness World Record.
Puerto Rican, Dominicano; minority.
41 years old for another few months.
Not bad for a golden child of God.
Not bad for a person who grew up in extreme poverty and neglect; pain. I educated myself and made my own path; alone, with nothing and no one.
Three grains of rice. My faith in God, and my two machetes.
This is only the start.
I never imagined that it would be like this. Peaceful.
That is all that I wanted from the very beginning. It was the very thing that I never had.
Peace and tranquility; and in my own terms.
The music is one of my most proud achievements. I did exactly what I set my mind, out to do; so many years ago. I never thought that it would look like this. There is simply nothing more to say in my life. Other people, tend to create their very own narrative; regardless. But, the conscience is the gold. They will never fully understand. And today I fully understand, that; that is okay.
Fuck it.
I am going to write books, for the rest of my life. I will produce Future Tech Plus; forever, as well as Trillionaires Club.
This my friend is a good deluxe; weekend edition, during the Sabbatical.
Explore what you can learn, from all of these different examples. Improve and adjust what you can, at this moment. At later times, as time itself develops, you as well; design all new strategies to aid in your personal advancement. Incorporate, all of the elements that you; yourself, have learned here. My though process, leans more towards technology, and a creative side of the spectrum. I much rather spend several thousands, of dollars on a good computer systems, than mostly any other things. I am not a materialistic person, nor do I like unwanted, or desired attention.
So for example; If I am performing on stage, yes. Cool. Its only a show for a few hours. But, beyond that. Once I am off stage; I am heading home to my family; my wives and my children. NFT technology has afforded me a tremendous advantage. I found a balance. I see now; looking back to the why, things had to be like this. I am on the edge of my seat writing this; as I am in my flow state.
There is so much ground to cover. There is so much that I want to contribute to you all; that there is never enough time. I fully understand now; that I will only get even better, when I write the next article. I do not promote Future Tech Plus, on purpose.
This is exclusive.
See you in a BTC.
Get it?
See you in a Bit.