500 million
William Kergroach - Amazon books

500 million

A rat.

He had been born in an anxious time.?Between the fear of a nuclear conflict and the invasion of floods of Islamicized metatics, everything announced death and desolation.

One had to admit that everyday life was acceptable in comparison.?The old people had, if not the sense of relaxation, the attachment to work well done.?The institutions and administrations functioned properly, even though the situation was deteriorating every day.?In fact, the last decades before the Third World War were the most important for the world's oligarchs.?It was during these years (70-80) that the globalists had significantly advanced their pawns.?

There had been a loss of knowledge between the generation of rural people who were coming to the end of their lives and the uprooted younger generation, like his own, who had grown up in cities without a past, without traditions, without practical knowledge.

Every year that passed saw new victories for the "camp of the good" that was striving to transform the population into a bunch of uncultured and uprooted individualists, convinced that their lack of survival instinct was a high achievement of civilization.

In his early childhood, in fact, the old people had been born in the last years of the 19th century.?They had grown up with horses and bees circling jam jars.?Two world wars had bled millions of young people full of vigor and conviction.?The brave had died, and the weak and helpless were left behind.?The maneuvering had mainly affected the Western countries and Japan.?Germany donned a cloak of eternal atonement, the Japanese traded in samurai for blue-haired androgynous beings.?Drugs were finishing off a youth that had no positive future in mind.

All the storms were blowing at the same time.?There was invasion, insecurity, global warming, great power confrontations, unemployment and precariousness, price inflation, general impoverishment, pollution.?The populations were attacked from all sides so that they remained stunned, divided, demoralized, ready to surrender without fighting.?

The politicians were all pawns, mercenaries playing their role of composition to divide the population and offer all possible alternatives.?In the end, the candidates designated by the system were always the only ones left standing, after the population had been entertained with puppet fights.

All this was exhausting, demoralizing, it wore down the last resistance, blunted the last immune defenses.?Slowly, gradually, people learned to march in step, to raise their hands on an order.

The most lucid human elements withdrew from the political arena, understanding that the cause was lost.?The enraged were eliminated in one way or another.?Only the swaying majority, the mass of expendable people and a few useful idiots were left to complete the division and destruction of the decaying social order.

At the time he was born, his country was living, as already said, in the 19th century.?The old people of his childhood were a rural population, simple and limited.?These beggars had bequeathed to their descendants a country of narrow roads, charming villages clustered around a church, well-tended bocages and a host of food products that sometimes tasted terrible, but which had constituted an original culinary art.

This country, this time, he had not inherited anything from it.?He had just been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of it.?It was a vaguely reassuring setting.

He had grown up with the illusions of his age and his time.?He did some studying, enough to delude himself about his abilities and his personal dimension.

But he never managed to escape from his white boy condition.?He accumulated small jobs, disillusions, failures.

He hardly managed to live better than a cockroach.?He was not a good lover, a very imperfect father and his professional career was marked by many years of unemployment, poverty and frustration.?So he looked at his time and his life with displeasure, measuring everything that prevented him from living a dignified life as a man.

He saw the frustration in his wife's eyes, the sad look in his children's eyes.?He lived a mediocre life as a failed writer, unable to compensate for this personal failure with anything else edifying.?He was a generally disappointing guy.

Some reading had convinced him that the history that preceded him had already been directed by some secret and influential actors.?The old monarchies and central empires had been brought down by a First World War that these secret societies had wanted, sacrificing in the process millions of young people sent to their deaths in trenches designed to kill as many of them as possible.?This bloodshed was accompanied by a ruthless war against religion, against traditional values, against patriotism.?It was, yes, a plot hatched by corporations as powerful as they were discreet.

Abominable political regimes had been knowingly financed by the financiers of the globalist cartel to continue the massacre and destruction of the people during the Second World War.

Everything had been done, revolution and anarchy of the senses and convictions had been introduced through every possible orifice.

The village communities, the ways of life of the peasantry, the traditions, the folklore, the hopes for freedom of the different peoples of the West were gradually destroyed.?The peasants had been driven from the fields to the cities without reference points, exchanging the misery of the countryside for the misery of the suburbs.?Men had been thrown into unemployment to reduce them.?School and television had destroyed what remained of common sense and purity in souls to throw them into the arms of addictive, lustful consumption, without conviction of a tomorrow, of a possible ideal.

He had only known a society already parked in the cities, in the middle of a population without roots, without memories, without immunity against the system.?Weakened in his body by a toxic industrial food, deprived of physical outlets, stuck in a guilt-ridden and debilitating discourse, he had been mixed by force with other uprooted races.?This mixing was not done in harmony, it was not the goal.

By the beginning of the 21st century, the globalist oligarchy had decided that this funny war had to end sooner than expected.?The accidental election of Donald Trump in the United States, the political-economic rise of China and the long reign of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as head of the Russian Federation had decided them to speed things up.?The planet had thus undergone decades of bacteriological or bio-genetic attacks.?Sanitary" crises, intended to poison the populations, ruthlessly eliminated the old, the weak, the less resistant.?In order to impose the enslavement of humanity, it was necessary to shock and break the populations through war, famine, and organized chemical genocide.?It is true that there were only female fish in the rivers, the seeds of the men became sterile, the women lost their children.

So the attacks never stopped, until the end.?One after the other, the assaults of science finished the work started by civil wars and organized hunger.?Viruses conceived in military laboratories decimated each year the survivors of the previous attack.?

They took advantage of this to impose absurd measures, because it was not necessary to think, it was necessary to obey.?The aim was to impose insecurity, to depress the group in order to weaken the people's defenses to the maximum.?The school, the media and the social networks had done their preliminary work of conditioning well, people had obeyed without hesitation.?They had confined themselves without understanding why, had put on useless masks and had been injected with poisons.?In fact, the vaccines were destroying the last of the vaccinees' immune defenses.?Doctors under the orders of Big Pharma, itself entirely in the hands of the globalists, were all calling for vaccination...

After several bio-genetic attacks and several rounds of vaccination, a large part of the population had succumbed, the survivors were sick, weakened for the rest of their lives.?A few large-scale riots and regional conflicts had finished off the states and eliminated the last remaining reactive elements.?

In spite of these organized pandemics, there were always more migrants of all kinds to invade the western countries.?All these migrants came to the Western lands to plunder, to seize objects, to ape what they could not understand.

The massive arrival of these foreigners had quickly destroyed all the structures of his country.?This invasion had been initially wanted by the bosses who had been made to hope for a downgraded, submissive, cheap labor force.?Their greed had been aroused, there was an overall plan to mix the populations, to deprive them even more of any reference point.?

In a few decades, schools and hospitals had been submerged.?The metaculturists were popping up everywhere, driven out by wars, famines and the daily political and economic hell that they suffered in their countries.?

Ghettos were formed, neighborhoods and cities lived according to the time of the countries of origin of the newcomers.?Distrust between our communities had set in.?The countries targeted by globalism were submerged, like Rome and Athens in their time, by the violence and ignorance of these sacrificed peoples.?Violence and fear reigned everywhere.

When the barbarians were in the majority, civilization collapsed.?Political power passed into the hands of these invaders.?But these unfortunate people were unable to offer peace and prosperity.?They carried with them only war and principles of government based on the plunder of wealth and the most brutal despotism.

Wherever whites remained dominant, secession occurred.?Walls had been erected, roads had been blocked.?But these fragile barriers were, more often than not, overwhelmed by the onslaught of raiders.?


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