My Hotel Manager Internship
Stephen Sawyers
Hotel Manager | Disabled Hotel Manager | Hospitality, Staff Training
I just wanted that Hotel Manager Internship. Nobody ever told me to Stay Organised and Never miss a Deadline. Nobody said to Pay Attention to the Company Culture. Ask Questions. Watch for Fatigue.
Nobody ever told me what an Internship was in Hospitality? I applied for the job, got it and completed it without a Job Description or Person Specification. I understood that this wouldn't be my last job and the more I could take away from it the better.
This first job was not only about showing that I could get the job done, but it was also clearly about forming connections and learning as many tricks of the Hotel Industry as possible.
The first time I had to run the pre-service briefing in the Restaurant, I vomited in the staffroom. And I’m not talking a little vomit. I’m talking full blast jet propulsion right into the toilet. The second time I did it I was much better, I only slightly freaked out. In fact, by the end of the first week I had got pretty good at it.
As nobody had told me, I started to ask myself what I thought a Hotel Intern was – so here goes (regardless of Department or size of Hotel).
Hotel Interns are essential for the smooth operations of a Hotel. You are often an Assistant to the Head of Department in which you work; but don’t get too smart just yet – you must keep yourself under control – you are definitely Sub-ordinate. However, Hotel Interns are Critical – yes, Critical.
Hotel Interns can often build Teams. Regularly Discipline. Often hear Grievances. Whilst you are this Lieutenant of the Operations, reporting to others, you must become a confident Captain of the Shift. You will frequently be on your own. Alone and frightened. Stressed. Auxiliary. Hotel Interns both teach staff and learn from staff on a daily basis.
Hotel Interns can help with Quality. You are the Aide to the H.O.D. and you might attend to their daily routines. You might be Mate to your Line-Manager, sometimes their Skivvy, you will still be an important associate to both your Department and its Hotel. Hotel Interns Link. Add Strength.
You are the Backer for everything that goes on, both as an accomplice and as truly Hired Help. Never under-estimate the importance of your role; with-out you sometimes they could not survive. You are no Puppy.
You are the Junior of many, but not a slave; you must ensure you are the Dogsbody of no-one. Be strong and see yourself as a Partner – your Department needs you. Personal Assistant, Apprentice and More. Henchman.
Servant to many – but you are valuable and worthwhile. Your Colleagues can love you, so will your Customers, you are the one that solves that problem, time after time.
A Collaborator between Departments, Morning, Noon and Night.
That missing part of the Jigsaw that the Hotel simply cannot do without. A necessary Accessory for every Zone. A Supporter that can’t be lost.
That Side-kick that goes from strength to strength. The Ops. Managers Running Dog. A Gofer for the G.M.
Hotels Interns own their own Performance. Hotel Interns definitely, get out of the Hotel what they put into the Hotel.
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Hotel Manager | Disabled Hotel Manager | Hospitality, Staff Training
6 年Thanks mr.Kemal Wariki.
Hotel Manager | Disabled Hotel Manager | Hospitality, Staff Training
6 年Thank you mr. Stamoulos Nikolaos.
Hotel Manager | Disabled Hotel Manager | Hospitality, Staff Training
6 年Thanks Mr. Suman Effendi Manurung.
Hotel Manager | Disabled Hotel Manager | Hospitality, Staff Training
6 年Thanks Mr. Himanshu Uppal.
Hotel Manager | Disabled Hotel Manager | Hospitality, Staff Training
6 年Thanks Mr. Kemal Wariki.