50% of Us Will Be Diagnosed with Cancer in Our Lifetime... I Wish That Was the Only Risk
I still vividly remember my first job, a major career shift that completely changed my perspective. My employer invited us into the boardroom one day to show us a documentary they had produced. We watched in silence as a woman, a cancer patient, sat hooked up to a chemotherapy machine. She spoke with incredible courage about her journey—the overwhelming struggles she faced, the strain it placed on her marriage, and the heartbreaking impact on her children.
As I listened, I was overcome with emotion. I couldn’t help but cry, moved by the rawness of her pain. But alongside my sadness, a feeling of anger welled up inside me. I couldn’t shake the thought that my employer was using this woman’s suffering as a tool to push us toward more sales. I felt conflicted, torn between compassion for the woman’s experience and frustration over the corporate agenda behind it.
Now, over 16 years later, I’ve come to realise something profound. No matter how much advice you give your clients about building wealth, nothing is more important than protecting them—ensuring they’re shielded from life’s cruel twists. Proper insurance coverage, like income protection, life insurance, TPD, and critical illness cover, isn’t just advice—it’s a lifeline and one of the biggest return on investment. These policies give people the security they need to face life’s hardest challenges without the added burden of financial uncertainty. Because sometimes, life can be unforgiving, and it’s in those moments that proper protection truly matters.
As part of our commitment, we will discuss your circumstances and review your existing insurance in a confidential, no-cost meeting. You have no excuse not to dedicate 30 minutes of your time to understand what you have—and what may be missing.