50 PLUS Fitness Newsletter
Welcome! This newsletter is for the 50 PLUS crowd. Those who want to take control of their fitness and wellness. Dudes who still want to get after it!?Rage, Rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas, remember?)
It ain’t always easy being 50 PLUS but if you’re up to the challenge,?
Exercise of the Week:?
Another full body beauty. Crab Push Ups. This one is great for strength and mobility. Weekend Warriors should be all over this one. In the video I do 10 reps, but consider doing five early in your workout, four at the midway point and three to finish. It’s also a great show off move. Do it a few times in your gym and soon you’ll see others imitating you. Here’s the video demo:?
Lots of fancy diets?out there. Many work short term but the key is sustainability. Is this something you plan to do for years on end??If it’s not, then get ready for the weight to pile back on and then some. I’m big on portion control. For the most part I eat a smaller serving than what seems “normal.” That doesn’t mean I can’t?take down a large cheese pizza a couple times a month. Let’s all try to eat less most of the time. And indulge on occasion. But when you do indulge, enjoy every minute of it. Then get right back on the rails.
One of my favorite books is MINDSET by Carol Dweck. This book changed how I approach almost everything. Especially exercise. I am constantly learning and adapting my programs as my clients and I get older. I’m not squatting 315 anymore (I am deadlifting it though!) When I was in my 30s, I didn’t do a single stretch. Now at least a third of my workout is stretching.?
Workout Song of the Week:?
Debonaire by Dope. (I hope that doesn’t frighten you away!)?
Dude, are you on something??
Yes. I do take a lot of different shit. I used to be just a turmeric type, but then I went rogue and now it’s also Magnesium, Zinc, B-12, C, D, Omega 3s. I’m not taking any chances.
Thought of the Week:?
As we get older, we start thinking about serious stuff. Probably unavoidable. But going back to MINDSET, it’s up to us to make the very best of our time. Let’s get after it every damn day. Even on the days that suck. That said, never forget what Mel Brooks said.?
Aches, Pains and Obstacles:
We’ve all got ‘em. The key is to know the difference. Just recently I hurt my knee doing pull-ups. Go figure.?
Who is this guy?
I’m Ray Salomone. I’ve been a trainer longer than most trainers have been alive. I was a two-time winner of the US Army Physical Fitness Award. I had a brief?(three hours!) yet illustrious career on Wall Street (Please ask me about this!) and I’ve been the private personal trainer to many of the most prominent men and women in finance, real estate, tech and media.?
I’m 58 years old and I will not go gentle into that good night (Dylan Thomas, again).?Join me on this journey to beat back aging.
Want to reach me to discuss Personal Training, Motivational Speaking, Wellness Accountability Coaching or if the Mets will every win another World Series??
[email protected]??twitter.com/RaySalomone?646-338-2452