50% Off BCPE Exam Fee for HFES Members!
Rachel R. Michael CPE, CHSP
Director of Consulting Services at Exponent EHF
BCPE is offering HFES members a one-time discount of 50% on the BCPE certification exam fee (a $175 savings) in honor of the 20+ years of BCPE's valued relationship with HFES.
BCPE (www.bcpe.org) provides the gold standard of HF/E certification, recognized nationally and internationally.
If you're interested in differentiating yourself as a certified professional, now is the time! The new exam is electronically administered and can be taken at convenient sites around the world.
Terms: This one-time offer is good for all approved certification applications from HFES members (or student members) in good standing, received by November 30, 2017, and applies to exams taken in the spring or fall of 2018. To qualify for this offer, please include "HFES 2018" in the Professional Organizations field on your application.