50 Linux Commands You Wish You Knew Earlier

50 Linux Commands You Wish You Knew Earlier

Unlocking the Secrets of Linux: 50 Commands That Will Change Your Life

Linux is a powerful and flexible operating system widely used in server environments, development, and various other applications. Mastering the Linux command line can significantly enhance your productivity and give you more control over your system. In this article, we'll explore 50 essential Linux commands that every user should know. These commands will help you navigate, manage files, process text, and perform various administrative tasks efficiently.

### File and Directory Management

1. ls - Lists directory contents.


ls -l /home/user


2. cd - Changes the current directory.


cd /var/www


3. mkdir - Creates a new directory.


mkdir new_directory


4. rmdir - Removes an empty directory.


rmdir old_directory


5. rm - Removes files or directories.


rm -r directory_to_remove


6. cp - Copies files or directories.


cp source_file destination_file


7. mv - Moves or renames files or directories.


mv old_name new_name


8. touch - Creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file.


touch newfile.txt


9. find - Searches for files in a directory hierarchy.


find /home/user -name "*.txt"


10. du - Estimates file space usage.


du -sh /var/log


### File Viewing and Editing

11. cat - Concatenates and displays file content.


cat file.txt


12. less - Views file content one page at a time.


less file.txt


13. head - Outputs the first part of files.


head -n 10 file.txt


14. tail - Outputs the last part of files.


tail -n 10 file.txt


15. nano - A simple text editor.


nano file.txt


16. vi - A powerful text editor.


vi file.txt


### File Permissions and Ownership

17. chmod - Changes file permissions.


chmod 755 script.sh


18. chown - Changes file owner and group.


chown user:group file.txt


19. chgrp - Changes group ownership.


chgrp group file.txt


### Process Management

20. ps - Reports a snapshot of current processes.


ps aux


21. top - Displays real-time system summary.




22. kill - Terminates processes by PID.


kill -9 1234


23. pkill - Terminates processes by name.


pkill firefox


24. bg - Resumes a suspended job in the background.


bg %1


25. fg - Brings a job to the foreground.


fg %1


26. jobs - Lists all jobs.




### Networking

27. ifconfig - Configures network interfaces.


ifconfig eth0


28. ping - Checks connectivity to a network host.


ping google.com


29. netstat - Displays network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.


netstat -an


30. ss - Analyzes sockets.


ss -tuln


31. scp - Securely copies files between hosts.


scp file.txt user@remote:/path/to/destination


32. wget - Downloads files from the web.


wget https://example.com/file.zip


33. curl - Transfers data from or to a server.


curl -O https://example.com/file.zip


### System Information

34. uname - Prints system information.


uname -a


35. df - Reports file system disk space usage.


df -h


36. free - Displays memory usage.


free -m


37. uptime - Tells how long the system has been running.




38. dmesg - Prints kernel and boot messages.




39. lshw - Lists hardware configuration.


sudo lshw -short


40. lsblk - Lists information about block devices.




### User Management

41. adduser - Adds a new user.


sudo adduser newuser


42. usermod - Modifies a user account.


sudo usermod -aG sudo newuser


43. passwd - Changes user password.


passwd newuser


44. deluser - Removes a user.


sudo deluser olduser


45. groups - Shows which groups a user belongs to.


groups username


### Archiving and Compression

46. tar - Archives files.


tar -cvf archive.tar /path/to/directory


47. gzip - Compresses files.


gzip file.txt


48. gunzip - Decompresses files.


gunzip file.txt.gz


49. zip - Creates zip archives.


zip archive.zip file1 file2


50. unzip - Extracts zip archives.


unzip archive.zip



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