50 Linux Commands You Wish You Knew Earlier
Chaitanya Kurhe
?? Sr. TSE | AI Enthusiast | Virtual Assistant Developer | Conversational AI Developer | Prompt Expert | Elevating Customer Experiences | Former TSE @_VOIS | Technical Writer | Computer Science Grad | VIT'22 Alumnus
Unlocking the Secrets of Linux: 50 Commands That Will Change Your Life
Linux is a powerful and flexible operating system widely used in server environments, development, and various other applications. Mastering the Linux command line
1. ls - Lists directory contents.
ls -l /home/user
2. cd - Changes the current directory.
cd /var/www
3. mkdir - Creates a new directory.
mkdir new_directory
4. rmdir - Removes an empty directory.
rmdir old_directory
5. rm - Removes files or directories.
rm -r directory_to_remove
6. cp - Copies files or directories.
cp source_file destination_file
7. mv - Moves or renames files or directories.
mv old_name new_name
8. touch - Creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file.
touch newfile.txt
9. find - Searches for files in a directory hierarchy.
find /home/user -name "*.txt"
10. du - Estimates file space usage.
du -sh /var/log
### File Viewing and Editing
11. cat - Concatenates and displays file content.
cat file.txt
12. less - Views file content one page at a time.
less file.txt
13. head - Outputs the first part of files.
head -n 10 file.txt
14. tail - Outputs the last part of files.
tail -n 10 file.txt
15. nano - A simple text editor.
nano file.txt
16. vi - A powerful text editor.
vi file.txt
### File Permissions and Ownership
17. chmod - Changes file permissions.
chmod 755 script.sh
18. chown - Changes file owner and group.
chown user:group file.txt
19. chgrp - Changes group ownership.
chgrp group file.txt
20. ps - Reports a snapshot of current processes.
ps aux
21. top - Displays real-time system summary.
22. kill - Terminates processes by PID.
kill -9 1234
23. pkill - Terminates processes by name.
pkill firefox
24. bg - Resumes a suspended job in the background.
bg %1
25. fg - Brings a job to the foreground.
fg %1
26. jobs - Lists all jobs.
### Networking
27. ifconfig - Configures network interfaces.
ifconfig eth0
28. ping - Checks connectivity to a network host.
ping google.com
29. netstat - Displays network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.
netstat -an
30. ss - Analyzes sockets.
ss -tuln
31. scp - Securely copies files between hosts.
scp file.txt user@remote:/path/to/destination
32. wget - Downloads files from the web.
33. curl - Transfers data from or to a server.
curl -O https://example.com/file.zip
34. uname - Prints system information.
uname -a
35. df - Reports file system disk space usage.
df -h
36. free - Displays memory usage.
free -m
37. uptime - Tells how long the system has been running.
38. dmesg - Prints kernel and boot messages.
39. lshw - Lists hardware configuration.
sudo lshw -short
40. lsblk - Lists information about block devices.
### User Management
41. adduser - Adds a new user.
sudo adduser newuser
42. usermod - Modifies a user account.
sudo usermod -aG sudo newuser
43. passwd - Changes user password.
passwd newuser
44. deluser - Removes a user.
sudo deluser olduser
45. groups - Shows which groups a user belongs to.
groups username
### Archiving and Compression
46. tar - Archives files.
tar -cvf archive.tar /path/to/directory
47. gzip - Compresses files.
gzip file.txt
48. gunzip - Decompresses files.
gunzip file.txt.gz
49. zip - Creates zip archives.
zip archive.zip file1 file2
50. unzip - Extracts zip archives.
unzip archive.zip