50 days until 2020
Did you realize there are only 50 days left in 2019? 2020 is right around the corner.
This time of year, feels busier than usual. There are extra social obligations, family commitments, social, religious, and educational events happening.
With the recent change here in the US to daylight savings time, many people are feeling weary. You wake up and it's dark outside; after a long day, you leave work to come home and it's dark. Your shoulders feel heavier. It's getting colder outside. And when you come home, you feel like sitting on the couch, numbing out and then going to bed; only to repeat the next day. And, it's only Monday.
Let me ask you a question. Are you waiting for 2020 for your life to get better? Are you waiting until after the holidays to start your job search? Are you waiting until after finals to get your resume and LinkedIn profile updated and optimized?
What are you waiting for?
If you want your life to get better, the only thing that needs to change is you. You get to decide, today, that today is a good day. You get to decide today, to change how you feel about today, about your job, about your career, about anything in your life. Why? Because it's your life and you, in case you haven't looked in the mirror, are the one co-creating it.
Joy is a state of mind. Joy is a conscious choice, a decision to live in gratitude, a decision to focus on the good, to stand tall, feet planted on solid ground, knowing that you co-create your future. From this now moment forward. You decide.
Joy is a living emotion. Your joy is not frivolous. Like the pursuit of happiness, it is your inalienable right.
Many people walk around unconscious. Unhappy. Waiting for something outside them to change. When __X___ happens, then they will be happy. Maybe when you read that there are 50 days left in 2019, you unconsciously thought "when the new year comes, I'll be happy." Or, I'll make the changes I need to make to feel better and en-joy my life more.
Joy is experienced when you make a commitment to make joy a priority.
You may be reading this and thinking that's easy for you to say. You don't know what I'm going through. Let me assure you, I've had several chapters where joy and happiness were elusive. Where I questioned why I was going through what I was going through. Maybe you feel that way too. It’s okay. This too shall pass.
It's okay if today you are not feeling particularly happy, void of joy. Don't beat yourself up. If today you're feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances and situation you find yourself in, be gentle with yourself. Trust the process, let go of the need to control, just accept the reality of what is.
First, you have to make a decision. Start with daily gratitude. See opportunities instead of obstacles. Begin today. Take time to go within. Focus on the good. Know that you were worthy, of having a heart filled with joy.
Cheering you on,
Your Career Transition Coach