50 Days of Gratitude - Last Week!
For this last week, I’ll talk about the things I’m grateful for that I love.
#43. My dog every time I walk in the door.
It doesn’t matter what time it is, how long I’ve been gone, where I’ve come from or what I’ve been doing. Every time I walk in the door, my dog is so damn excited to see me. Every. Single. Time. It’s a great reminder of unconditional love.
#44. Hugging a friend.
This is something that I appreciate more and more the older I get. When I was younger, I wasn’t really a hugger. It was more of an obligation than something I enjoyed. Nowadays, whether it's been a day or a decade, hugging a friend is a soul-filling experience.?
#45. The people I've worked with throughout my career.
I've learned so many things from the people I’ve worked with. Not just things I want to emulate but things I want to do differently. I love that I've gotten to be around such a great mix of people because it cemented the type of leader I want to be, the type of business I want to run, and the type of person I want to be.
#46. My family.
I am who I am because of who I come from. I love my family. My parents and my siblings are incredibly important to me. Members of my extended family, spouses, cousins, etc, are people you've got a special connection with and I'll forever be grateful to have such a great family.
#47. My kids.
When I was younger I couldn't imagine having kids, but now I can't possibly imagine a life without them. I love them with all my heart and soul--even when they're being difficult :)
#48. My wife and our marriage.
This year marks my wife and I's 25th anniversary, and my love for her and my gratitude for our marriage can't be explained in a post. She's given me security and stability, and freedom to be me. I hope I've done the same for her. Love her to death and beyond.
#49. The dogs I've had throughout life.
From my first dog Hector the German Shepherd, to Charlie the golden Lab, Kiska the Alaskan Malamute, Thunder the chocolate Lab, Hannah the Australian Shepherd, Waylon the Catahoula Leopard, Jake the chocolate Lab / Pit Bull mix, to Ronan the retriever / doberman mix, to my family's dogs, to my friends’ dogs, to all of the other dogs I've met, these furry four-legged wonders make people better humans. Losing a dog is among the hardest things I've done, but the time I get to spend with them is worth it.