50 Acronyms Used In Military Command and Control

50 Acronyms Used In Military Command and Control

Test your knowledge. How many of these 50 military Command and Control acronyms do you know?

  1. A2C2 - Army Airspace Command and Control: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures: a set of standards and procedures used to control airspace in the military.
  2. ACINT - Acoustic Intelligence: the intelligence-gathering process of intercepting and analysing sound and acoustic signals.
  3. ADCON - Administrative Control: the authority to direct and control military forces.
  4. AEW - Airborne Early Warning: a type of aircraft used to detect and track other aircraft and missiles.
  5. AO - Area of Operations: a defined geographic area in which military operations are conducted.
  6. AOC - Air Operations Centre: a command and control (C2) facility responsible for planning and executing airpower in support of joint operations.
  7. AOR - Area of Responsibility: a defined geographic area in which a Combatant Command has the responsibility and authority to conduct military operations.
  8. ASW - Anti-Submarine Warfare: the art of detecting, tracking, and destroying submarines.
  9. C2 - Command and Control: the act of directing and coordinating military forces and equipment.
  10. C4I - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence: the suite of technologies and capabilities used for military C2.
  11. CBRN - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear: weapons and threats.
  12. CFD - Combat Fighting-Delivery: the delivery of personnel or cargo to a specific location under hostile conditions.
  13. COA - Course of Action: a strategy or plan for achieving a particular goal.
  14. COP - Common Operating Picture: a shared situational awareness picture of the battlefield.
  15. CSEL - Combat Survivor Evader Locator: a system used to locate and rescue downed pilots and other personnel.
  16. DCO - Defensive Cyber Operations: the use of defensive measures to protect military networks and computer systems.
  17. ECP - Entry Control Point: a location where access to a military installation is controlled.
  18. ESM - Electronic Support Measures: the use of electronic systems to gather information about enemy electronic systems.
  19. EW - Electronic Warfare: actions taken to deny or disrupt the use of enemy electronic systems.
  20. FARP - Forward Arming and Refuelling Point: a location where aircraft are refuelled and rearmed.
  21. FBCB2 - Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below: a suite of software applications used for military C2.
  22. FISINT - Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence: the intelligence-gathering process of intercepting and analysing signals from foreign surveillance systems.
  23. GSR - Ground Surveillance Radar: a radar system used for ground reconnaissance and surveillance.
  24. IADS - Integrated Air Defence System: a network of air defence systems integrated to provide comprehensive air defence coverage.
  25. IFF - Identification Friend or Foe: a military identification system used to prevent friendly fire incidents.
  26. ISR - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance: the process of collecting, analysing, and disseminating intelligence information.
  27. JLENS - Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defence Elevated Netted Sensor System: a joint Army-Navy network of aerostats (Spy Balloons) used for detecting and tracking low-flying threats.
  28. JOPES - Joint Operation Planning and Execution System: a software system used for joint military planning and execution.
  29. JTAGS - Joint Tactical Ground Station: a system used to detect and track ballistic missiles.
  30. JTF - Joint Task Force: a temporary military organisation formed to carry out a specific mission.
  31. LOS - Line of Sight: the range of vision or radio communication between two points.
  32. MCOO - Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay: a map used to show the location of obstacles on the battlefield.
  33. MDC2 - Multi-domain command and control.
  34. METOC - Meteorology and Oceanography: the military science of weather forecasting, oceanographic analysis, and space weather analysis.
  35. MILSATCOM - Military Satellite Communications: the use of satellites for military communications.
  36. MOUT - Military Operations in Urban Terrain: the planning and execution of military operations in urban environments.
  37. MTOE - Modified Table of Organization and Equipment: a document that specifies the personnel and equipment required for a military unit.
  38. NBC - Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical: weapons and threats.
  39. NC3 - Nuclear Command, Control, and Communication: the capability to manage and control nuclear weapons and assets.
  40. NETOPS - Network Operations: the management of computer networks to ensure their availability, reliability, and security.
  41. PNT - Positioning, Navigation, and Timing: the ability to determine an object or person's location, direction, and speed.
  42. RDTE - Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation: the process of conducting research and development on new military technologies.
  43. SEAD - Suppression of Enemy Air Defences: the use of targeted attacks or electronic warfare to neutralise enemy air defence systems.
  44. SIGINT - Signals Intelligence: the intelligence-gathering process of intercepting and analysing communications signals.
  45. TBM - Theatre Ballistic Missile: a missile that is designed to attack targets within a theatre of operations.
  46. TDL - Tactical Data Link: a system used to transmit military data and information.
  47. TTP - Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures: methods used for accomplishing military missions.
  48. UAV - Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle: an aircraft without a crew on board that can be remotely controlled.
  49. USV - Uncrewed Surface Vehicle: an autonomous or remotely operated vessel.
  50. UUV - Uncrewed Underwater Vehicle: a robot that operates underwater to perform tasks or gather information.

How many did you get? Let us know any other interesting ones we missed in the comments below.

While you’re here, did you know Cambridge Pixel is a leading provider of radar scan conversion technology to system integrators? Our technology is used in Command and Control systems around the world including for the US Navy and Royal Navy.


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