5 Years in Islamic FinTech: Navigating Important Issues and Beyond
It's been 5 years since I started working in the FinTech scene and specifically in the Islamic Social Finance arena. We've had countless events, talks, webinars, and discussions on how we can enhance and improve our work in the industry and I hope this small article is a small step in the same direction.
To begin, we first need to recognize the importance of education in the field be it among the industry people themselves or even the common masses along with understanding why it's critical to embrace emerging technologies to expand and improve our Islamic social finance products and services.
What is the difference between Digitization and Digitalization?
Digitization refers to the conversion of analog information or processes into digital format. It involves the transformation of physical or paper-based data, records, or activities into digital or electronic form. This is also known as digital enablement.
Digitalization is a broader concept that focuses on moving existing processes into digital technologies. It encompasses the use of digital technology and tools to optimize processes, create efficiencies, and transform business practices.
In other words, digitization is for information, whereas digitalization is for processes. In the context of Islamic social finance Sadaqah, Zakat, and Waqf, it entails the strategic use of technology to enhance efficiency, accessibility, transparency, and user experience.
Why Embrace Change and Technology?
Just like water, being stagnant is never a good choice. We have seen what happened to the likes of Nokia, Blackberry, and others who did not recognize the market changing aptly and did not embrace the changes happening in the industry.
Likewise in the field of Islamic social finance, we observe that there are many organizations that might have been around for quite some time but because of excessive bureaucracy, lack of knowledge of the latest trends, and an unhealthy want to stick to only what they know from the 'olden golden days' has hampered their growth and maybe even done a major disservice to the legacies of these organizations.
I remember reaching out to a renowned organization to provide a fintech solution to their social finance needs. We spent 6 months grueling with their legal, tech, data, shariah, and many other teams every other week. After getting a green light from all departments, we found out that the CEO refused to proceed despite his own team pushing for the solution just because it didn't make sense to him why people would want to give charity online when we can just drop it in our local masajid directly. Ajeeb.
As Muslims, we should not always be playing catchup. We need to actively invest in research so that we can come up with tech solutions for our needs. Where's the money to support all this? Hint: Waqf. Yes, we have had awqaf in the past, the money from which supported full-time research. We need such awqaf even more now instead of splurging the hard-earned money of the Muslims on random bling bling initiatives.
As Product Managers, we focus on the PPP Framework or the 3Ps which are People, Process, and Product. From my little experience, I can conclude from my observations that one can have the best product and processes in place but if the people department is not sorted, everything will come crumbling down. The biggest point to focus on in this area is continuous education and awareness.
The Issues
We will touch more on the 3P's in a bit. But first, I want to bring the focus on the 4T's. Overall, in the Islamic Social Finance industry, some of the key issues that I have observed can be brought under the umbrella of:
The Need for Education
As we are on the topic of Islamic Social Finance, a very important piece of advice from one of my teachers comes to mind. The Sheikh said, "Education is one of the most powerful forms of sadaqah jariyah. A well might dry up, a copy of the Quran might get damaged, and a masjid might collapse. This is why it is said:
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'Beneficial knowledge is an endowment which doesn’t end."
The Messenger of Allah ? said, “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.” [Muslim]
Education is the backbone of our entire discussion. This is the 'People' aspect of the 3Ps that we mentioned before. If this is sorted, the other 2Ps of 'Processes' and 'Product' will follow smoothly InshaAllah. We need to super focus and work on educational drives on major two fronts.
Building on the importance of education we also need to work towards a mindset change when it comes to Waqf specially. For many that we spoke to or worked with, waqf is just building a well or a masjid. We need to educate people on how awqaf can be and should be revenue-generating and how we should not limit it to just 2-3 things. There is still an aversion or some form of baggage in the minds of people when it comes to revenue being generated from awqaf. They want everything to be free and yet at the same time be top-notch quality. This is impractical and mere wishful thinking. The potential for awqaf is insane if tapped into properly.
Independence and self-sufficiency are some of the most praised traits taught by the Sunnah. We have enough masajid already. As the scholars say, "We need to focus on building the Sajid and then the Masajid." This is a very deep statement that one can make only after years of dealing with the community on the ground.
Sheikh Ibrahim Nuhu ???? ???? said, "If we actually focus and implement the system of Zakat and Waqf as it is prescribed to us by Allah and His Messenger then there hardly would be a person around to even accept sadaqah like during the time of Umar Ibn al-Khattab and Umar Ibn Abdul Azeez. Allah has already given us the blue-print of a successful society. It's now up to us to implement it.
Till today we have people who have to sell their bodies just to have some food to eat. Allah has given us facilities like waqf and zakat, but how much of it is actually being implemented?
How much zakat money actually reaches the intended people?
How much of the waqf is actually serving its true purpose?
Nowadays our masajid have to depend on donations of a few personalities and boxes going around in the masjid. Waqf removes this dependency and restores honour to the masjid. It is said that the first waqf in Islam was the Masjid of the Prophet ?."
Digitalisation in Zakat Collection
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Allah has coupled its mention in the Quran with Salah 20+ times just to show its importance. Most of the time when the dangers and ills of Riba are mentioned, it is followed by the benefits and beauty of Zakat.
Going back to the issue of education, it is key that the pillar of zakat is taught and clarified at every level of our education system till we know the basics like the back of our hand.
There was a zakat advisory case that I handled for a businessman in the UAE. He had been living there for years and had amassed millions in wealth. Alhamdulilah Allah Guided him to start learning about Zakat but till that point, he had thought that just because he was giving charity every month, that would be enough and there was no need to pay Zakat. He didn't even understand the concepts of Nisab and Hawl. SubahnAllah. There is so much work for us to do. We have beautiful people in the community with golden intentions to help. We just need to help, enable, and empower them.
So how can digitalization help in Zakat Collection?
In the traditional manual system, we had:
Disbursement: The process of disbursing Zakat funds also faced challenges:
After: Digitalized and Automated Zakat Collection and Disbursement
Collection: With digitalization and automation tools in place:
Disbursement: The digitalized and automated approach streamlines Zakat fund disbursement:
Benefits of Digitalization and Automation for Zakat Collection:
Digitalisation in Waqf Management
In the traditional manual system, we had:
Income Distribution: The process of generating income from Waqf assets and distributing it faced challenges:
After: Digitalization and Automated Waqf Management
Creation and Record-Keeping: With digitalization and automation tools:
Income of Benefit Distribution: Awqaf should be set up to also generate income or some kind of benefit. The digitalized and automated approach optimizes income and benefit generation and distribution:
Benefits of Digitalization and Automation:
Food For Thought
Here are a few ideas that we can explore and research to ensure we maximize the impact of our Islamic Social Finance Funds: