5 Years Alcohol-Free: How I Started Living Intentionally And Found True Purpose.
December 9, 2019. I made a decision that would change my life forever. I stopped drinking. At the time, I didn’t know where this path would lead, but looking back now, the results speak for themselves. Here’s what happens when you remove the distractions and start living with intentionality.
Five years alcohol-free… it’s a milestone that feels both surreal and empowering. The truth is, alcohol wasn’t controlling my life, but it was quietly stealing my potential. Cutting it out wasn’t just about avoiding bad habits; it was about unlocking the best version of myself and be more intentional with my time and energy.
Here’s what’s happened since I made the choice to live without alcohol:
1. I became a Certified Personal Trainer. I wanted to help others achieve their fitness goals, and by prioritizing my own health, I found the energy and focus to help others do the same. It wasn’t just about the physical changes—it was about inspiring others to believe in their potential in being a better version of themselves.
2. I partnered with RBLP to help leaders grow. Becoming an Authorized Training Partner for RBLP Leadership Certifications gave me the chance to equip Leaders with tools to build resilient teams. Knowing I’m helping others earn the only leadership certification of its kind has been incredibly rewarding.
3. I began my Real Estate Investing journey. What started as owning my first primary home, turned into owning two rental properties and becoming a Limited Partner (LP) in a self-storage deal. My partners and I are now diving into Residential Assisted Living (RAL) facilities—a venture I’m excited and passionate about in order to create compassionate care for our seniors.
4. I challenged myself physically. I’ve completed Spartan Trifectas, two marathons, and a Ragnar Relay Trail Run since being alcohol free. These weren’t just athletic feats; they were opportunities to prove to myself that I can achieve hard things with discipline, determination and being intentional with my actions.
5. I joined growth-minded communities. Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals in groups like GoBundance has been transformative. The people you spend time with either lift you up or hold you back. I chose to surround myself with those who inspire me to keep moving forward and hold me accountable.
6. Most importantly, I became truly present for my family. Raising two kids with special needs has been challenging, but also an opportunity for me to be a better Dad. I wanted to be fully present for my daughters—not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. The greatest gift I’ve given myself is the ability to prioritize what truly matters: my family.
Could I have achieved all this without giving up alcohol? Maybe. Maybe not. The truth is, I’ll never know—and I’m okay with that. One thing I do know is that I’m grateful for this journey.
The decision to give up alcohol wasn’t just about saying no to something; it was about saying yes to everything else.
Yes to purpose. Yes to growth. Yes to being the best version of myself.
Call To Action
What’s one distraction holding you back from becoming the leader, parent, or person you aspire to be?
Take one small step today to eliminate it.
Whether it’s alcohol, procrastination, or something else entirely, you might be surprised how much lighter and more free you'll feel when you let it go.
I’d love to hear about your journey. Hit reply and share the one thing you’ve let go of—or plan to let go of—to live more intentionally.