5 Words to Use in Your Coaching Sessions
These are 5 words to use in every coaching interaction if possible:
- We
- Share
- Opportunity
- Perspective
- Observation
These words are neutral and nonthreatening; therefore, employees will become more participatory and cooperative when being coached.These words lend themselves to the concept the manager is sharing in the pursuit and opportunity for the employee to increase his or her performance. Let's be honest, most employees are not going to climb a hill filled with change and challenges arbitrarily by themselves. Most employees will avoid change like the plague, Yet I think we all know that change is inevitable as economies change, people change, products change, customer demands change, etc. In addition, peoples ability some skill sets do not arbitrarily go up because management demands them to do so. Employees performance only improves with scheduled ,consistent, and thoughtful pursuit. Few if any will ever do this on their own. One great example are world-class athletes we see every four years at the Olympics. All of these athletes have coaches that work with them for years and years for the ultimate moment of competing at the Olympics. World-class athletes do not even get to their highest level of performance by themselves why would we expect this from our day-to-day employees?