5 Work Principles That Will Make You Appear Lucky In Business
If you have had some success in business, I’m sure you bristle just like I do when someone says “You were just lucky…”? I’m a strong believer that we all make our own luck, which means that the harder we work, the luckier we get.? In reality, “hard work” is just a catch-all term for a list of principles that good professionals follow, allowing them to work smarter and improve their odds of success.
A short list of these “hard work” principles, published a decade ago by Anthony Tjan in the Harvard Business Review summarizes them as heart, smarts, and guts.? I agree with these, and most people recognize them when they see them in others, but the terms are still a bit abstract for learning purposes.
Even earlier, other experts, like professors Alex Rovira and Fernando Trias de Bes, authors of “Good Luck: Create the Conditions for Success in Life & Business,” identified five more definitive principles that seemingly lucky and successful business professionals have in common:
With these attributes and the right attitude, I believe that most of "business luck" can be meaningfully influenced. That lucky attitude, according to Tjan, is a combination of three traits – humility, intellectual curiosity, and optimism.
Therefore, the basic equation of developing the right lucky attitude is quite simple. It starts with having the humility to be self-aware of your own limitations, followed by the intellectual curiosity to ask the right questions and actively listen to input, and concluding with the belief and optimism that something better is always possible.
Any business professional can have this mindset if they just believe that luck is not random. They need to realize that they alone are the creators of the conditions that foster the achievement of specific, visualized goals. Then, having seen it work, they will know how to repeat the success.? Overall, that really is “hard work.”? Are you doing the right hard work to get lucky in your business?
*** First published on Inc.com on 12/05/2023 ***