5 ways you're leaking time as a leader
Barbara Nixon
The Leaders Secret Weapon | Helping Leaders elevate and grow | Exec Success & Leadership Coach, Consultant, and Award Winning Trainer & Speaker | Founder: Smash Your Own Ceiling | 1-1 | Group Programmes | Mastermind
One of the things that I always hear from my one to one clients is the time problem.
I hear you...there's always loads to do.
But have you ever had a close look at where you're actually leaking time?
If not, check out these common leaks and if you want some tips on how to plug them let me know.
1) Getting dragged into the weeds
One of the biggest leaks for any leader is getting dragged into the weeds. By this I mean getting involved with every problem, and before long it becomes your problem. If you can relate and you have a team that come to you with a problem rather than a solution and you find yourself having to deal with everything, it's time to change.
What to do instead: Instead of trying to fix everything, gently push back and ask your team what their plan is or what ideas they have. It takes some getting used to especially if you want to just get it done and get moving, but this is short term pain for long term gain and will help your team to feel empowered to solve their own problems going forwards.
3) "It's quicker if I do it myself"
Give me a yes if you've ever said...'it's quicker if I do it myself"
Although this sentence is actually true...it's actually a massive problem when it comes to your time and leading your team as it will always be you getting this done, and to be honest, you've probably got bigger things to be focusing on that really need your attention.
What to do instead: Get your team involved with the things that you need to step away from. It's great for their development and it'll give you some time back in the long run.
4) Focusing on the small things rather than the big things
Spending time on the small things to get them crossed off can actually take up a lot more time than you think. Especially, if you find yourself always pushing back the things that really need your brain power and that will actually move the needle.
What to do instead: Start your day with the big things as these will actually have a bigger impact once they're done. Look at each task in terms of weight. If it really moves the needle for you, do these first, and do the smaller things later on when you can batch them altogether in one go.
5) Having meetings everyday
Although meetings can be really productive and a necessary part of life, they can also stop you from making progress as you have to keep switching your focus from one thing to another. I mean, how much do you really get done in between meetings anyway?
What to do instead: Create a day of the week that's completely free of meetings so you can focus on one thing rather than dipping in and out from one thing to the other.
If you're a Managing Director or a senior leader I currently have 3 spaces for one to one coaching. For more information or a chat to see if it's right for you please feel free to send me a direct message.
Barbara Nixon is a Success and Leadership Coach with over 26 years experience who works with Business Owners and Leaders to help them reach their potential.