5 Ways You Can Invest In Yourself
I talk with a lot of people about how they can invest in themselves to make improvements life and in business. Over the years of being an entrepreneur starting and running businesses I have come up with the below 5 tings that have had the largest impact for me. I also just made a video on this very topic, you can check it out here:
Improve your public speaking to build your confidence and get in front of customers and investors. Being comfortable with public speaking allows you to build your brand and increase your reach.
Focus on your physical fitness because you want to make sure you have improved energy levels as well as productivity. We send a lot of time and energy as entrepreneurs to grow our empire and we want to be around to enjoy it, so invest the time in yourself to improve your health and fitness.
Strengthen your weaknesses. None of use are good at everything, and while I fully think we should double down on the things we are the best at, we also have to invest in ourselves with time to ensure the things we aren't the best at are not going to hold us back from the success we want.
Get out and network, every entrepreneur needs a solid network of people they can leverage for greater opportunities. spend time networking with people, add value to them and listen. this will help you grow your network and expand your impact on the market.
Last but certainly not least.
Read as much as possible and read every day. Spend the time to read, I truly feel that reading is the absolute best way you can go about investing in yourself. Reading exposes you to new ideas and knowledge that will strengthen your ability to make informed decisions and inspire new ideas.
These are the 5 things that I have found have had the biggest impact for me, I would love to hear other ways that other people have found to invest in themselves that has been beneficial for them.