5 Ways to Woo Your Market

Strategic marketing for small business should be about figuring out which are your lowest-cost and highest yield methods for generating good qualified leads.

Most small businesses depend too heavily on advertising (because it’s easy) when there are many other more ways (that are more effective) to generate new customers.  The same principles that go into putting together a high impact (and, often, high priced) ad campaign can be adapted to fit your needs with similar results.

If you plan to use advertising, then do it like the other successful marketers and create a campaign using a series of information based ads that build emotion and a call to action. Any growth coach will find them much more effective than the standard company branding advertisements, which are not appropriate for the small business with a limited advertising budget.

If you are looking for some low-cost, yet effective marketing ideas, here’s 30 ideas used by some of the best marketers to cajole prospects to do business with them:

1. Be willing to bring in new clients, even if at an initial loss because it will likely pay off later. This is a great strategy if you are starting out or rolling out a new product/service.

2. Consider newsletters as a way of educating and informing customers about your industry and services offered. My weekly e-zine Growth Strategies is a good example.

3. Put together a “white paper”, short report or e-book that’ll you automatically send to prospects when they contact you. Like the ones you’ll find here on my other website. They should have really useful content but also include a short description of your business and what you problems you solve. Don’t forget to include case studies, samples or other proof of your success. Ask your growth coach for samples.

4. Offer a free seminar, webinar or other lecture to build awareness of your business, but make sure you make the information pertinent to your target market, and find speakers who are respected and known in the industry.

5. If you are going to spend money on advertising (beyond yellow pages) be prepared to do it right. Test different versions of your ads to find the most effective ones. Vary the headline, the offer, etc. If you can’t test different messages, consider other forms of marketing.

These are just some of the many ways that you, with the help of a growth coach, can turn more prospects into paying customers. Watch out for more in my next post!

For more tips and tricks on how you can further your business growth, download our FREE ebook, Six Silver Bullets to Growing Any Business’s Profits Fast.



