5 Ways Women Can Invest in Themselves
Sharon Rose Hayward
Career Coach for Women | Most known for teaching women to claim their workplace value, confidence, and get paid what they deserve. As Seen in Yahoo! Finance, ABC News, Essence, MSN, theSkimm, GMA
2024 Equal Pay Day is Tuesday, March 12. Coincidentally, Equal Pay Day is also part of International Women’s Month, thirty one days designed to make the women in your life feel extra special.
Equal Pay Day means that as of March 12, you have finally and officially earned what men earned in 2023. Since 1996, Equal Pay Day has been calculated annually by the National Committee on Pay Equity.
“Because women earn less, on average, than men, they must work longer for the same amount of pay. The wage gap is even greater for most women of color.” (National Committee on Pay Equity)
The past few days I’ve also seen women posting things like, “Show Me The Money!” as a reference to the current 20% wage gap. It’s refreshing to see women acknowledging the wage gap instead of simply being happy for flowers and recognition.
What about the other eleven months of the year?
Take a step back from March and its female-loving vibe. ?As girls growing up, we learned lessons and roles that definitely don’t serve us in the workplace.
Good Girl: Good girls are obedient and always willing to help. A good girl isn’t going to say no, or refuse to help.
Straight-A Student: Getting good grades is easy when you know what to do. Do the school work, listen to the teacher, get your homework done, and follow all the rules.
Polite and Thankful: Saying thank you was more important than telling the truth. Being polite, not causing a fuss, not asking for more than was given, and being thankful for what you had were instilled from the time we could talk.
Take these deeply rooted roles into the workplace and it’s no surprise women aren’t comfortable saying no or asking for more money.
Let’s take inspiration from this year’s International Women’s Day theme -
Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.
We can invest in ourselves all year long, not simply one month. Each time we do something that supports our worth and value in the workplace, we rewrite the lessons we learned as young girls.
As adults, we can see the social conditioning and become more aware of our initial reactions to negatively biased workplace attitudes. Awareness is the first step toward creating change. Notice your reaction the next time someone asks you to do more work, or you are tempted to put in more hours.
Here are five effective steps you can take year-round long to improve your compensation and confidence in the workplace.
1.??????? Saying No. Start saying no more often. This can be a challenge in an environment where there’s a lot of pressure to be a team player. Not to be confused with teamwork, team players are the women who take on more work. I’ve heard from so many women who are nervous to say no because they’re afraid they’ll not be viewed as a team player.
A simple way to practice is to accept part of the extra work, project, responsibilities, or whatever it is. Say that you can do a portion and that’s all. Prepare now to have a reason, or many reasons why it isn’t possible.
“I apologize but I don’t think I’m going to be able to help with this due to ___.”
“I apologize but the only way I could help with this would be to get rid of this (project, task etc.)”
“I apologize but the only way I would be able to help is to ___.” This would be a small portion of the additional work.
Note that you are NOT to say “I’m sorry …” under any circumstances. You are simply apologizing. In reality, an apology isn’t even necessary, and you will get to that point.
2.??????? Delegate. Look for one or two items that can be taught and delegated. Fight your inclination to feel like you have to do it all, and instead think of routine tasks that will help someone support you. If you aren’t ready to do this yet because you don’t have anyone you trust, make a list of tasks you would give to your clone if you were able to create someone just like you to help. This will at least open your mind to what can be delegated and what is best done by you.
Food for thought: when you’re promoted, you’ll be giving all of this work to someone else. If you can learn to delegate now, you can start preparing someone to replace you when you’re promoted. The key is to focus on your best work, and delegate the routine tasks that can be batched.
3.??????? Genius Level Work. There is the work where you shine. This is the work best done by you, never delegated, where you bring the greatest value to your company. Do this. Looking at the Pareto Principle, 20% of what you do brings 80% of your value. The opposite is true also: 80% of what you do brings 20% of your value. Focus on doing the 20% first. Being all things to all people, doing all the work and being the hardest worker is the fastest way to sabotage your career.
4.??????? Weekly Coffee Dates. Did your mother tell you not to brag? Do you have a hard time talking about your accomplishments? Do you want to start feeling comfortable knowing your worth, the value you bring to the workplace? Schedule time at the end of each week for a coffee date with yourself. Make a list of your wins, new projects, client kudos, everything of value that happened in the past week. You’ll begin to internalize a deep sense of confidence based on your inherent value. Extra benefits include being fully prepared for your performance review, interviews, or important meetings.
5.??????? Know What You Want. As the Cheshire Cat told Alice, if you don’t know where you want to go, it doesn’t matter how you get there. Make a list of everything you want in a job. Even if you don’t currently have it, or it feels impractical or impossible, put it on the list. Rate each item from 1 to 10 for how important it is to you. For example, salary and time off are probably 10s. Remote work is a 10 if that’s important to you. Now rate your current job to see how it stacks up. Knowing what you really want and how close you are to having it is important to your future choices. These are also excellent talking points for conversations with your manager, especially once you’ve solidified your Weekly Coffee Date habit.
These are five ways you can begin to invest in yourself immediately. If you’re already thinking of reasons these won’t work for you, understand that it’s a natural reaction. Just write down all of those reasons. Ask yourself if they are true for everyone or just true for you. Make a list of what would need to happen to make these possible for you.
Which of these steps will you start trying? Are there any that feel easier than others? I’d love to hear from you!
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