5 ways where parents go wrong
Akash Kumar
?? Exploring Business, Startups & Strategy | GMAT Aspirant | AI & Data Science Enthusiast
1/ Comparison: We’re compared to others with the hope that it elevates our game. But this constant comparison makes us believe nothing will be enough. Because there will always be someone to compare ourselves with!
2/ Killing curiosity: As kids, all we did was ask questions. Before we were told not to. So we led ourselves to believe that asking questions means we don’t understand. It means we’re dumb. So we don’t ask. We memorize answers instead of loving questions.
3/ The importance given to society: What we do in life. Who we marry. Where we work. How we dress. Society’s faceless approval is considered more important than our own. We begin losing our identity.
4/ Looking at the world only through their experiences: Our parents had a very difficult life. Which, for no fault of theirs, has biased them. So while the world has changed, their biases haven’t. Still investing in FDs, going to traditional careers or government jobs, and living a zero-sum game.
5/ Emotional blackmail: “You do what you want - we don't expect you to think about us.” This sentence has stopped more kids from making a decision than any fear or laziness has.
It baffles me how little people are taught about parenting, given its critical role in shaping an individual.
Kids: Start understanding why parents behave the way they do. Appreciate where they have come from.
Parents: Recognize that there are multiple paths to the same outcome. Trust your kids to experiment, fail, and find their way.
Parents are humans first. Parents second. It would help solve many problems if we saw them the same way!