5 ways to use MicroREC as a working tool (the 5th is the best!)

5 ways to use MicroREC as a working tool (the 5th is the best!)

Do you record important moments of your life on your phone? Why not also the biggest part of it, in the OR?

Have you ever heard about MicroREC? It's an optical system that makes it possible to digitize your microscope or slit lamp so you can record or instant stream with your own phone. That's how Custom Surgical has been democratizing healthcare around the globe.

To be able to record and broadcast microscopy imaging using any phone is a revolution in medicine itself, allowing a faster and better diagnosis, thanks to our affordable optical system. And to show how MicroREC can be part of your professional daily routine in the OR, we select 5 ways to use MicroREC as a working tool:

1. Make content for classes and congresses

Are you a professor? Then your classes can be more exciting and illustrative as you can record surgeries and procedures during your lessons and send them to your students in one click.?

The videos and images are created up 8k quality, providing you excellent resolution, as you can see in this Stent placement recorded in high-quality:

Your congress presentation will be much more professional and easy to find MicroREC app because of the labels, folders, and keywords you can add, plus easy to add in your presentation once it is already online on your phone.?

2. Create social media material

We know how important it is nowadays to be present on social media. It's a way to achieve people from all over the world, prospect new patients and increase your power to influence professionally. For example, if you're already on Instagram, you can upload photos and videos made with MicroREC in high quality for your followers. And how about making live streaming to them?

That's what Dr. Guillermo Amescua does every Wednesday using our MicroREC.?You can also upload it on your website and any other social media or apps. You can use our MicroREC app to record and start creating your own material: easy as that!

3. Stream for a second opinion

Not sure about a diagnosis or would like a second opinion from a mentor or more senior colleague? Besides being able to record images and videos of any surgeries and procedures, you can also broadcast wherever you want.?

This is one of the greatest ways to use MicroREC if you're a resident, at the beginning of your career, or work in small cities and locations far away from the big cities where you don't have much access to other specialists.?

That's what happened with Dr. Ike Ahmed in Canada, and his mentee Dr. Ticiana, in Brazil. He was advising her surgery live from his comfortable living room.?

It is easier to have a fellowship with doctors that lives far away from you if you have a MicroREC.?

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Dr. Ike Ahmed in Canada mentoring Dr. Ticiana in Brazil

4. Rewatching your achievements and mistakes

Study smarter, not harder. Everyone has had complications in surgery. And as a young ophthalmologist, you're at a significantly higher risk of making surgical errors than your more senior colleagues. If you don't rewatch your surgeries and understand where you did it wrong, you could do it again and again. You know your patients deserve more.?

Now it is easy to review your mistake and share it with other colleagues to teach them or understand different ways to do the same procedure next time.?

5. Remote recording

Are you part of an expedition group or just work in different clinics? No problem. MicroREC is small enough to be inside your bag. You can carry it anywhere, so you don't miss any exciting case.?

That's what Fundación Elena Barranquer does. They bring some MicroRECs for their expeditions to record every different case they have. You can not imagine so many different diagnoses they see around the globe.?

If you're a host of a presentation on a healthcare event or congress, why not show that material??

Check out how easy it is to create your own video using MicroREC:

Now that you found five out of many great uses to use MicroREC as a daily working tool, check out our store to see how easy and affordable it is to transform your way of teaching, learning, and sharing in the OR.


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