5 Ways to Support Black Employees This Week and Beyond
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5 Ways to Support Black Employees This Week and Beyond

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To say 2020 has been a turbulent and tumultuous year is an understatement. It seems that with each passing week there is a different tragedy that America has to grapple with and navigate. Witnessing the continued harm of Black people has left the world in a constant state of mourning. At such a delicate moment in history, it is important for allies and advocates to understand ways to support the Black community in the midst of constant grief, pain and sadness. It is vital for organizational leaders to understand how to provide support so that employees are able to thrive, especially in a year that has been so chaotic. Below is a list of five ways that allies and advocates of the Black community can provide support both in the workplace and also outside of the workplace during times of tragedy.

1.    Build a support line. If you only reach out to Black employees during times of tragedy it can come off as inauthentic or performative. While it’s important to reach out to your Black colleagues during times of unrest, make a habit of building a support network where you frequently reach out to create a line of communication. What are ways that you can support your colleagues in their everyday life? That may be providing guidance and help on a project, being an ear to listen to, or amplifying their voice in whatever ways are needed. Creating a support line will help you to recognize how to support your Black coworkers in a multitude of ways.

2.    Random acts of kindness. In addition to building a support line, a random act of kindness goes a long way. Support doesn’t only have to come in the form of a text message or a phone call. Support can come in the form of sending someone a meal or buying something small to cheer them up. If you have gotten to know your colleague to some extent, you may have an understanding of things that they enjoy. Sending a $5 gift card for coffee or gifting an uplifting audiobook is a small way to show kindness and can go a long way. Technology makes it easier to send small gifts whether it’s a gift card or a meal—the possibilities are endless.

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3.    Conduct a listening session. Following the death of George Floyd, many companies have adopted and implemented something called a listening session into the workplace. A listening session can take on many different forms, but essentially it’s a dedicated time period where employees are invited to listen to the feelings and experiences of other employees and are also encouraged to share their feelings. Part of reason why there is so much difficulty around racial dialogue is that there is fear and apprehension around having open discussions about race. Listening sessions provide a great way for employees to learn more about what their fellow employees are experiencing and can be a powerful way to build empathy and understanding. Utilize outside vendors, who often have a more specific expertise in leading and facilitating these types of conversations or encourage managers to lead these sessions instead.

4.    Educate yourself on Black culture. You should not expect Black people to teach you about Black culture, Black history or systemic racism. There are countless free and low-cost resources that are available on the internet and in your local library. There are bookspodcastsTV shows, audiobooks, articles and movies written about different aspects of Black culture that can be used as a starting point for your anti-racism education. The expectation should not be on your Black coworkers to educate you about Black culture. Refrain from asking Black colleagues for the additional labor of educating you, especially during times of tragedy. Having an understanding of history and culture gives one greater insight into why different events can be offensive or triggering. Make a concerted effort to seek out media that will expand your awareness and understanding of the Black community.

5.    Encourage mental health days. The impact of racial trauma both watched and lived can have a detrimental impact on the wellbeing of Black employees. A vital aspect of being an effective manager is being emotionally intelligent. Stay aware of what’s going on in the world. Don’t wait until your Black colleagues share that they are in pain to encourage them to take time off. There is still a stigma around taking time off especially in the midst of the global pandemic, which may prevent employees who need the time off from actually taking time off. Encourage employees to take mental health days, while also being mindful of not overloading employees with tasks and projects that may be challenging to complete in the midst of dealing with disaster and tragedy.

This article was previously published in Forbes.

About The Pink Elephant newsletter:

The Pink Elephant newsletter is a weekly LinkedIn newsletter designed to stimulate critical and relevant dialogue that centers around topics of race and racial equity. The newsletter is curated by Janice Gassam Asare, Ph.D. who is a writer, speaker, consultant, educator, and self-proclaimed foodie. Janice hosts a podcast the Dirty Diversity, where she explores diversity, equity and inclusion in more detail. Janice’s work is centered around the dismantling of oppressive systems while amplifying the voices and needs of the most marginalized folks. If you enjoyed this newsletter, please share with others you feel would gain value from it.

Photo credit 1: Photo by: Matthew Henry

Photo credit 2: Photo by: Samantha Hurley

Nicole Briggs

Sales | Management | B2B/B2C | Consultant

3 年
Cody McSellers-McCray

Health Equity & Community Engagement Strategist | President & Principal Public Health Consultant @ UnTapped Consulting LLC

3 年

This is still relevant in 2021 and onward.

Thank you Janice appreciate this information and hope we all continue to love and embrace one another.

Karen Spencer Kelly, Esq.

Providing Diversity & Inclusion Services: Assessments, Training, Unconscious Bias, Conflict Investigation & Resolution

3 年

Thank you Janice Gassam Asare, Ph.D. (she-her-hers) for a truly helpful article. The suggestions that you offer are real-time solutions to a systemic problem. #diversityequityinclusion



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