5 Ways Soul Speech Camp Will Support You!
Carrie Severson
Self-Love & Burnout recovery author, speaker and leader guiding you back into your heart.
If speaking in front of a live crowd is on your heart and in your mission/purpose...lean into this opportunity and see how it feels.
I'm an intuitive soul story trainer with 20 years in the publishing business and more than 75 public speaking gigs under my belt.
Soul Speech Camp is my signature speech program. In 10 days participants create a soulfully aligned speech that they can deliver to groups of soul clients or peers.
It's so much more than a speech camp though! And I've captured SO many ways this intensive 10-day experience is supportive to those who enroll.
Here are 5 ways you will be supported in Soul Speech Camp.
1. Speech writing and speech delivery is an art. There is a format to it. You will receive tools, workbooks and trainings on this format to use EVERY SINGLE TIME you need to get up in front of an audience.
2. Sharing your experience in front of a live audience has an heightened energy to it. There is an exchange between the audience and the speaker. You've agreed to give to them and guide them on a journey. You'll learn how to harness that energy in the room and create the best outcome for all parties involved! This has become one of my greatest tools!
3. Speakers are creatures of habit. We have a ritual that works to prepare us as we get ready to give our energy to a crowd. You'll walk away from camp with tips to use that will support you energetically, physically and emotionally until you create your own habits.
4. When we agree to give talks to groups, it's important to understand we are PARTNERS in this opportunity. I've given more than 75 presentations over the years and have a checklist I follow when partnering with a group on a speech. WHO shows up to hear you speak is an important part of this process and you should be involved in it. You'll receive the checklist and we'll talk a lot about it!
5. We give speeches to increase our audience and reach. The opportunity to expand happens the moment we agree to present. So...How do you promote yourself before, during and after your speech? You'll receive that information in camp too!
Your tool belt will be packed with great information to use throughout your speaking career. I have MANY more reasons this program will support you! Just ask me for them!
I over deliver in these types of programs and THIS one is my favorite to give all my goodies out in!
Learn more about Soul Speech Camp here --- >>> https://carrieseverson.lpages.co/soul-speech-camp/
Your investment is $499 US. The Early Bird ends Friday! And you'll nearly double your investment with great soulful services!!!
Ask questions or dive right into payment at paypal.me/carrieseversonllc/499