5 ways to reach your B2B target audiences when there are less face-to-face opportunities

5 ways to reach your B2B target audiences when there are less face-to-face opportunities

With very limited or indeed no travel possible and with the cancellation of major industry events and exhibitions, there are far fewer opportunities to meet the people you need to meet in the B2B world at present. Here are 5 ways in which you can continue to reach the people you would otherwise have met at an event, an exhibition or at another face-to-face meeting:

1-     PR

A company should aim to issue a press release every few months. This is a great way to increase and maintain brand awareness. Showing that you’re still doing OK, winning business and that you’re open for orders is a great message to be sending. The media are very open to receiving content at present so press releases are achieving fantastic reach.

2-     Advertising

Digital advertising rather than print at the moment (nobody wants to handle a magazine that’s come in the post) but tailored advertising is yet another way to reach people. Media owners are also evolving their offering (for example: digital product launch packages) to allow you to use this medium to promote your products and services to the right target audiences. Now is also a good time to buy – there are some great deals around for 2021.

3-     White papers and articles of interest

Generating white papers and articles of interest are also excellent ways to reach people. For example, you’re now reading this short article (that I hope is of interest….)! I’ve seen clients task their sales teams with the production of this kind of content, spending the time they would have wasted travelling, writing papers and articles that explain the problems faced by customers and what you can do to help them.

4-     Regular posts on LinkedIn

You should aim to post something interesting on your company LinkedIn page every 7-10 days. A photo, a short article (see above), a link to an interesting video or article, a link to a particular part of your website – the list of possibilities is endless. This will maintain interest in your brand, attract attention and gradually increase your online following. Interested followers on LinkedIn are the exact same people that would have otherwise walked onto your exhibition stand so engage with them digitally, as you would have done in person at an exhibition or event.

5-     Create some video content

Production quality is far less important nowadays (after all - the BBC news is often read from someone’s own home) so get out your iPhone and film some content. Short explainer videos (30-40 secs), product demonstrations, interviews of your key staff, again, the possibilities are endless. Push these out on your digital channels (website & social) and E mail them to your sales contacts. Keep it personal and engaging. Less is more.

I’ve shared with you a couple of top-level ideas that I hope are of use. Here at Chamois we’re going far deeper than this and we’re developing some fantastic new ways to reach people that are delivering some exceedingly strong (& measurable) results, despite the restrictions we’ve all had imposed upon us. There is a way – we can help you to find it!



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