5 ways to protect your mental health part 3 ??

5 ways to protect your mental health part 3 ??

Would you like to protect your mental health? What factors can work with you or against you?

To read part 1 READ HERE

To read part 2 READ HERE

Beyond mouth and diet, what other factors can affect your mental health? ??

You might guess. Your MICROBIOME.

Before Covid 19, most of us didn′t know how important is to keep our microbiome IN BALANCE ??

I will repeat: To keep our microbiome IN BALANCE ??

Is not about to kill bacteria (as your mouthwash, your soap or your hands gel do) but to learn to live IN PEACE ?? with the microorganisms that live WITHIN AND AROUND US.

The thing is, that most of us live outside balance and then, our microorganisms. It is called DYSBIOSIS.

And DYSBIOSIS can create a lot of problems to our MENTAL HEALTH


  • Our intestinal bacteria are responsible to produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine ??
  • In a dysbiotic state, there is also INFLAMMATION. Acute inflammation is not bad, but when became chronic, "Houston, we have a problem" ????
  • Chronic inflammation is a major component in chronic diseases, including mental diseases ??

But there is more. There are some kind of dysbiosis that are linked to mental health problems such as

CANDIDIASIS - Candida is not a bacteria, but a yeast, that is normal part of our MYCObiome. But when Candida overgrowths, can create a bunch of problems. John Hopkins researchers found that a history of Candida yeast infections was more common in a group of men with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and women with these conditions who also tested positive for Candida, performed worse on a standard memory test. They do not stablished a cause-effect relationship but as they noticed it could be a factor.

CLOSTRIDIA - This bacteria can also create huge problems when growths. It is known is one of the responsible of infections in hospital settings or when you were under antibiotic treatment. But did you know is also part of our normal gut? The problem again, is when overgrowths. This can be related to the excess of DOPAMINE which can be found in patients with AUTISM. As we know Clostridia have the ability to alter behavior in autism and other neuropsychiatric diseases

T. GONDII - Have you heard about the Crazy Cat Lady Syndrome? ????Toxoplasma Gondii is a parasite that can be transmitted to humans from cats. In general, parasites can create inflammation and then, mental illness such as depression. According to a review made by Cambridge University , an individual was four times more likely to develop mental illness when testing positive for a parasitic infection. Many people love dogs and cats, but if is your case, make sure your pet is healthy as you are

There are some other dysbiotic states and infections that affect mental health such as P. Gingivalis a bacteria that live in our mouths ?? but in excess can also create problems; it has been linked to depression and Alzheimer . SIBO (small intestin bacteria overgrowth) that has been linked not only with GI issues ?? but also with anxiety, stress and somatic complaints and some others.

What you can do?

  1. Accept that we COEXIST with microorganisms and we can′t eliminate at all. Indeed, most of them are good for us and it protect us for pathogens and other toxic elements, e.g. Candida overgrowths when Mercury is present
  2. To know your GUT MICROBIOME, is key. Among different microbiomes, the species that live in in the gut have a major role in mental health. If you are interested to learn more about testing, please CONTACT ME
  3. Be friendly, specially with the good bacteria that can protect you. Microbiome is responsive to your lifestyle, stress and diet. DON′T FEED THE WRONG GUYS. If you want also to learn more, LET′S TALK
  4. A healthy microbiome is needed for MENTAL HEALTH
  5. If you suspect your microbiome is out of balance and this can affect your mental health, YOU ARE RIGHT AND WE CAN IMPROVE THAT ??


Acerca de mi

Claudia Juárez es Psicóloga Clínica, Especialista en Estrés y Consultora en Salud y Bienestar Corporativo. Dirige Transforma tu Estrés , Consultoría Especializada en el Manejo de Estrés Organizacional e Individual. Conferencista y tallerista sobre Manejo de Estrés, Resiliencia, Inteligencia Emocional, Balance de Vida entre otros. Consultora y capacitadora NOM035. Autora del libro Todo lo que quería saber sobre el estrés de la A a la Z , publicado por Manual Moderno (2019).

Soy también consultora en procesos de cambio organizacional (Change Management) y personal, y practicante certificada de la metodología Heartmath ??


