5 Ways To Position Your Business Idea As New To Grab Your Markets Attention (That The Gurus Are Trying To Keep Quiet)
In this saturated arena of noise, it's become critical that you grab the attention of your market with your business idea to be in with a chance of gaining them as a client and impacting their lives.
But the problem is, it’s so easy to become bland and blend in with the rest of the crowd. Because of the inundation of content being pumped out there, people only want to consume content that offers them something NEW, that they haven’t yet come across.
But How Do You Make Something Appear Fresh & New When It Isn’t New To You?
Below I have laid out the 5 ways you can position your business idea/headline/hook/services as new. This information allows you to cut right through the noise and create compelling marketing content that your market wants to consume like their favourite dessert.
The examples below are to give you a starting point.Some creative licence is required to make the hooks standout and impact.
1. Expose Lies
Tell people that everything they’ve been told thus far is wrong. If you’ve noticed there seems to be a distinct smell of BS lurking around your industry and you’re ready to expose those lies and help your market do things the right way, then get out their speak the truth!
Example hooks -
- Why (insert old way/lie) won’t work and this will
- 3 Lies you’ve been told about ( insert specific desire/problem)
2. Tell Secrets
People can’t bear the thought of not knowing something about the ‘thing’ that’s important to them. The intrigue of a secret that even the gurus/experts don’t know about or aren’t sharing, is strong!
Example hooks –
- The headline I used for this article is a great example of an untold secret.
- The book ‘The Secret’ utilised this principle to sell over 30 million copies.
- The Untold Secret to (insert specific desire/problem)
- The ‘Russel Brunson Secret’ that helped to create his $40 million Networth
3. The Time is Now
People love to follow current trends and if something is timely they are all over it like a rash if it’s about something they’re genuinely interested in.
Examples –
- Following a timely event/new research/announcement you could stress the importance of consuming your content NOW to the benefit of (insert problem/desire)
- You could share your idea/pre-existing idea that is updated for (insert current month/year) to provide the ‘latest’ information.
- Propose that an old a way has stopped working and introduce a new way
4. Forgotten
Bring back something that has been long forgotten. Some of the best ways are the old ways, and going back to the basics could be the best way for your audience. So just like fashion goes around in cycles, you could bring something forgotten back to the present and position it as ‘new’ all over again.
Examples –
- This Long Forgotten Ancient Cure for Heart Disease Saved My Life
- How my Clients Used this Proven Timeless Strategy to Achieve (insert desired result) in 2018
5. Orange is The New Black
Let’s not forget that you might actually have something new, and perhaps without realising it. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that EVERY business ‘could’ have something new if they’d only create it.
But if you’re lucky enough to be first to the market with an idea that’s BRAND NEW, then make a big whale of a deal out of it!
Your idea would be cutting edge because you’ve reinvented a pre-existing solution and made it better in some way.
Examples of ways you can make your idea brand new –
- More advanced / new version
- Reorder, rebuild or reinvent an existing idea.
- Develop an existing idea
- "I want to do this, but I can’t/don’t want to because____’’ - Solve a common complaint about a pre-existing service or a secondary problem beyond the immediate one.
- Simplify a pre-existing solution to make it easier / faster to implement.
- Deconstruct an idea, add your unique benefit and put it back together with that beneficial idea at the core.
Make Sure You Crack This...
Number 5 is the most important to crack. Because it's the one that will be the most genuine and authentic and will shine out like a lighthouse in the fog. It's the bedrock for your entire marketing campaign and will compel your prospects to buy your product.