5 Ways to Manage Pressure as an Entrepreneur

5 Ways to Manage Pressure as an Entrepreneur

Pressure is an inevitable aspect of life that can appear in many forms. The workplace, in particular, is where people often feel overwhelmed by responsibilities and demands. Factors such as fluctuating workloads, colleagues that are difficult to work with, or demanding clients can heighten the challenge of managing pressure. While many sources of pressure are beyond our direct control, how we respond to them is not.?

When pressure turns into stress, it can become debilitating and lead to burnout. It is crucial to address pressure in a healthy manner to prevent it from hindering high performance. Prolonged issues with managing pressure and workplace stress can significantly affect both personal and professional wellbeing. Research published in January found that in 2023, one in five (20 %) of workers took time off as a result of poor mental health caused by pressure or work-related stress in the past year, and nine in 10 adults (91%) said they experienced high or extreme levels of pressure and stress at some point in the past year. However, with the right tools, pressure can be managed healthily, fostering professional growth and productivity.

Entrepreneurs are amongst the people most vulnerable to pressure turning to stress and as a result are one of the groups most affected by work related mental health issues, with one study finding that 87.7% of entrepreneurs struggle with at least one mental health issue, and 34.4% of entrepreneurs experience burnout, potentially due to the fact that on average they work over 46 hours per week -? 10 hours more than the average UK worker (according to ONS data).

In this blog, we outline some tried and tested methods to help entrepreneurs prioritise and protect their mental wellbeing and manage pressure in their everyday lives.

Establish clear boundaries?

Boundaries are essential in any job, particularly with the rise of hybrid and remote working, where personal and professional spaces often overlap. To establish healthy professional boundaries, it is important to set limits unapologetically where you feel comfortable. Boundaries will differ for everyone, so respecting others' boundaries is as important as protecting your own. No employee should feel guilty for taking breaks or holiday time. Employers keen on maximising productivity need to stay mindful that well-deserved rest and renewal is a direct investment in future employee performance.

Treat yourself with kindness

Entrepreneurs can set the bar for themselves too high. When under pressure, it’s important to be gentle with yourself. Feeling overwhelmed or doubting your professional abilities is normal, but try to avoid being overly critical. If you catch yourself being harsh, ask whether you would speak to a friend or colleague that way. This approach helps you extend the same kindness and understanding to yourself that you would offer others.?

Create healthy patterns?

Establishing healthy behavioural patterns is key to managing pressure effectively and maintaining high performance. Unhealthy working habits ultimately undermine the ability to respond to pressure productively and stay in emotional control.. Embedding a routine that enables healthy behaviours will prevent pressure turning to stress and ensure sustainable professional performance. Healthy performance behaviours include regular breaks, social time outside work hours, some form of exercise or movement during the day, keeping a wider perspective and taking personal time to relax and enjoy activities separate from work.? This structure helps to break up the workday and create a separation between personal and professional life.

Recognise that everything is a learning experience?

Openness to improvement is central to positive growth. We must continually learn and develop throughout our careers. Our experiences, from childhood through education to our careers, teach us how to cope with pressure and shape our management strategies. Recognising unhealthy responses in ourselves can help us reshape our subconscious reactions and break negative patterns. Reflecting on colleagues’ and leaders’ responses to pressure can also influence how we manage it in the future. Shared learning, drawing on each other's strengths, and addressing areas for improvement collectively can enhance our pressure management techniques.

Do not struggle alone?

When struggling under pressure, it’s important to reach out to your support network, whether inside or outside of work. Talking to a friend or family member can help you offload and relieve some of the burden as well as gather fresh perspective on what may feel like insoluble problems. In more serious cases, discussing stressful situations or workloads with colleagues and managers can provide support through collective efforts or help identify and then modify the pressure at source. Isolating yourself can lead to loneliness and exacerbate stress, so it's vital to seek support rather than struggle alone.

In conclusion, managing workplace pressure is an integral part of the life of an entrepreneur and taking an intentional and proactive approach to doing so is essential for maintaining both personal and professional wellbeing. By establishing clear boundaries, treating ourselves with kindness, creating healthy work habits, viewing challenges as learning experiences, and seeking support when needed, we can turn pressure into a motivating force rather than an energy depleting and debilitating one.?

At WorkingWell, we are committed to providing the tools and support necessary to help individuals and organisations thrive under pressure, fostering a healthier, more productive work environment for all.

Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you.



