5 Small Steps to Make a Massive Impact: Spreading Kindness amidst an Epidemic
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5 Small Steps to Make a Massive Impact: Spreading Kindness amidst an Epidemic

Humanity has survived and thrived thus far through Millenia owing to the cooperation and innate sense of caring and regard for our fellow people. We as a species have been through and struggled out of quite a number of Global pandemics that have threatened to wipe our existence of the face of the earth.

The Immense ingenuity and capacity for affection and care are what gives the advantage over most life on earth to overcome natural (And some may argue that it was man-made) calamities like this. Whether it be the Spanish Flu, Smallpox or the Black Plague, we found within us the spirit to survive and thrive amidst all the chaos and uncertainty around us.

Thanks to the advances in modern medicine and global protocols, we have been able to somewhat control the propagation of the COVID-19 Virus to a certain extent although there is no denying that we could have done better, especially considering how the situation in countries like Italy has deteriorated.

All in all, ultimately, it is up to us to ensure that we don't engage in activities that will accelerate the spread of this disease and increase the risk of our loved ones being infected. Aside from that, we should not forget that there are countless people who, at the moment, have had their livelihoods being completely taken away from them due to the economical repercussions that the virus has brought about with trade almost halted to a standstill. I thought I would share 5 ways through which we could help re-kindle the spirit of Humanity to make a positive impact to our fellow people. Here you go:

1. Set an Example

It doesn't matter whether you are a C-level executive or a blue-collar employee. Your actions and initiatives made with a clear, analytical mind, unfazed by panic and uncertainty will be looked up to and admired by those around us in need of a little guidance and reassurance. The true colors of a captain at the helm of a ship or a lieutenant on the battlefield can only truly be seen when things get rough and the way forward seems blurry. Our ability to hold nerves and make the key decisions that will ensure that our businesses will survive and go on to further thrive will be the key factor that will determine the fittest who will survive these extremely challenging, volatile times.

2. Spending some time Connecting Job-seekers with recruiters

As you might have already noticed, people from all over the world have been affected by the economic crises brought about by this global pandemic and many have lost their jobs due to the inevitable cost-cutting measures taken by businesses to stay afloat during this challenging time. Even so, there is still a gap between employee talent and the demand at certain companies that are still looking for people with specific skill-sets. Spending a mere 15 minutes in helping candidates connect with potential recruiters on LinkedIn takes no effort but could help make an enormous impact on the life of somebody looking to provide for his/her family.

3. Love Thy Neighbor

We could engage in various acts of philanthropy and charity to help those around us in these times of need but what good would that all be if our own neighbor living right next to us goes to bed with the family on an empty stomach? Wouldn't it be the right thing to do to just check up on them during this time to see if they could use any help that we are hopefully in a position to provide?. Buy some groceries, have a quick chat. Generosity is contagious and has it's reward reach you in ways you would not have imagined.

4. Read a book

Read a book? sounds like weird advice on how to make a positive impact right?. Let me explain. With our busy schedules during the week, time wasted commuting, weekends spent going out, we rarely ever have some time reserved for ourselves where we can silence out the white noise and ponder on things that can shift mindsets that help us attain a state of gratitude and generosity. A great biography has the power to instill in you the values and qualities that people are in dire need of in times like this. My personal favorite? I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings – Maya Angelou. A bit of inspiration from the wise old ones before us may be just what we need to realize what we are capable of as people. The spark in us may kindle the flames of compassion that will fuel all of our efforts towards helping the lives of those around us a little bit better.

5. Little acts of Kindness like these go a long way too

Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King jr. These are some of the figures who had made it their life's mission to uplift and help the people in their communities and countries. The courage they had to curb inequality and discrimination led to our more civilized society today. It's a long shot for either you and me to make that kind of impact today. Some of the problems that our ancestors fought for don't even exist anymore. But during times like this with the threat of a Global Epidemic, little acts of kindness can bring smiles to those whom we can help in our own little ways. Hopefully, it is this generosity and kindness that will spread faster than the virus. Check out the videos below that may inspire you in your efforts to make a difference:

Doesn't that just bring a smile to your face?

I'm Shanika and from CN Global Australia And I'm quite proud to work with a company that shares my drive to help people and is engaging in various initiatives to help our fellow Aussies in these times.

Drop me an email at [email protected] if you got any ideas in mind. Let's stick together. We can do this.


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