5 Ways to Keep Your Emails From Ending Up in the Trash

5 Ways to Keep Your Emails From Ending Up in the Trash

Email has become one of the most effective means of communication in our business world, and there are bound to be many opportunities where you have to pitch your services or products over email to potential customers. However, if you don’t know how to craft your messages in the proper way, it might result in your prospects hitting the delete button on your emails, never to hear from you again. Don’t let that happen! Learn how to keep your emails from ending up in the trash by following these 7 tips.

1. Use a Professional Email Address

Your email address is one of the first things your prospect will notice when they open your email. Remembering that it’s not just an account to send messages from, but a representation of you and your company. This is why you should use a professional email address.

2. Avoid Spammy Words

Avoid words like free or discount. These words are red flags for spam filters, and may get your emails sent straight to the trash. The best way to avoid this is by writing a personalized email that focuses on the customer and their needs. Make sure you’re including a call-to-action at the end of your email, so they have an action they can take next time they hear from you.

3. Make it interesting, keep it short & insightful

Keep the email short and provide value by sending content that’s relevant to their interests.

Follow this steps:

  1. Craft a short email title that will grab your prospect’s attention and make them want to read more.
  2. Share value and solve a problem for your prospect, rather than focusing on how your product or service can help them.
  3. Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes and imagine what their day-to-day struggles are like, then show how you can make their lives easier.
  4. Make the time they spent reading your email worth it.

4. Don't Send Attachments

Including attachments with your email can be a big turn-off for many of your prospects. You may think that including things like presentations or word docs will give them a better idea of who you are, but it’s more likely that they’ll just see it as an annoyance and delete.

You first interaction with the prospect with an email should not include large attachments. Build up interest if your ultimate goal is to have them read an attachment or presentation but keep it minimal.

5. Clean, update contacts and don’t buy email lists

The first step is to make sure your email list is up-to-date. It’s important to know that you can only send emails to people who have opted in and given you permission. You can check your list by using an email service provider like MailChimp or Constant Contact and don't ever buy email lists, most of the time they are only a waste of money and time.


Keeping your company’s emails out of your prospect’s junk folder is a matter of being cautious, courteous, and understanding. The more you know about how your prospect wants to be contacted, how they prefer their content and how they like their messages delivered, the better you can tailor an email that will not end up in their trash bin.

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