5 Ways To Increase Production In Your Business
Lisa Mulhern
Queen of Working Smarter Not Harder helping ambitious time strapped women in business to scale for more income and more impact!
The more productive a business is, the more profitable it is.?No big revelation there. However, a business’ profitability and reputation is greatly enhanced by high production.?Therefore, it makes sense (and “cents”) to make your business more productive; read on to learn five ways in which you can do this.
Firstly, eliminate or reduce distractions.?This includes email and social media accounts; nix those notifications. Try your darn best to avoid logging into them at all while you are working.?If you absolutely have to check on them during the day, do it during specific periods (such as break periods and/or lunch) and only during those times.?Any loud noises such as from your smartphone should also be eliminated or reduced as much as possible to keep your focus on your work.
Secondly, have a set routine.?The most productive people usually have a list of what tasks they need to complete and by when, they then have a structured routine to help them do so; they don’t go about those tasks haphazardly.?Try to keep the same schedule when it comes to doing specific tasks, such as checking email and social media, doing research, writing content, etc. as much as possible.?This will help to make the work go more smoothly, as it will practically become an automatic action, which will enable you to be more productive as it lessens the transition time.
Thirdly, get plenty of rest.?This may sound counter intuitive when you are already feeling the constraints of lack of time. But if you are sleep-deprived, it only stands to sense you will have a greater lack of focus, which will require more concentration to get things done.?This will slow you down and in turn actually make you less productive.
Fourthly, be sure to take breaks.?Most experts suggest taking 15-minute breaks every hour.?Therefore, you should be working for 45 minutes, resting for 15 minutes.?Taking regular breaks keeps you focused and allows you to recharge so that you can complete the highest-quality work in the least amount of time possible. Again this is one that often gets neglected or pushed down the list as we try to power through like little robots. But again you can only keep going for so long before your body says enough is enough, then you will have to listen. So why don't we pay attention when our mind is trying to tell us okay, right you have been at this for 2 hours solid, we need a break, time to step away for 10or 15 minutes and come back to it on full focus again. But no our knee jerk reaction is to keep going full steam ahead until we run out of steam.
And last but not least. Number 5, break down large tasks into smaller tasks.?Write out the steps you need to complete a large project.?Many people will look upon a large task and start to worry about it, slowing them down and decreasing their productivity.?If you break down the large task into smaller tasks, you’ll be able to maintain your speed and productivity, thereby increasing the profitability and reputation of your business.
By boosting the production of your business, you can gain greater profitability and reputation from it.?It’s often challenging for many to boost their productivity, but it can be done, and it only takes a few simple steps and some committed effort.?By following the steps above, you can increase the productivity of your business and enjoy the profitability.
As you can see none of these steps are difficult, yet we tend to struggle so badly with them. Ask yourself why is that? Is it the inner perfectionist who likes to think they can do it all no matter what anyone says. Is it that you don't trust yourself to slow down or have a break for fear of procrasination rearing it's ugly head again and that this time you won't have the motivation to battle it. Or is it quite simply we have bought into this whole go go go culture we live in and wear our 'busy'ness as a badge of honour, consistently repeating to ourselves and anyone who will listen that we have so much to do and so little time to do it.
I'd love to know your take on this. Why do you think we struggle with slowing down to actually get more done? Be sure to let me know in the comments!