- Optimize energy use. - EcoSense camera nodes track all your crop's photosynthetic activity throughout the entire growth cycle. With this, you are able to synchronize the use of your grow lights to when the crops use the available light to photosynthesize. Only use what you need and cut the unnecessary added costs.
- Leverage tools for early disease detection. - Powered by multispectral imaging technology, EcoSense notifies you of any crop anomalies and disease symptoms before the human eye is able to see it. Take immediate action and avoid catastrophic events that lead to loss of crops and spread of infection. Over time, EcoSense will get to know your farm better, with this you are more likely to get the most out of this decision support system that will help eliminate the anomalies from happening all together.
- Recreate the best growing spots throughout your entire farm. - Indoor farming provides a higher level of control of the growing environment. Some types of indoor farms however, have areas where some crops grow better or at a different pace. This can be said for greenhouses that utilize natural light or certain vertical farms that use or experiment with different environmental parameters in some grow beds. Using EcoSense you get a full view on what's going on, both in each section of your farm and how the in it plants react. Replicate these ideal conditions using the micro climate map feature instead of relying on guesswork or inconsistent results from crop walks.
- Utilize harvest management tools - Eliminate the need for buffer crops, pest control measures and optimize decision time. With a full view on your crop health and its surroundings you are able to track the exact time and where exactly to harvest.
- Create your own unique crop recipes - How does the products of your farm stand out? With many of the same types of crops on the market, now you are able to develop distinct qualities unique to your crops such as taste, size, shape etc. The EcoSense crop recipe feature allows you to save growing conditions and associate them with specific results of your crops.
Learn more about EcoSense on https://ecobloom.se/ecosense