5 Ways to Get Over Jealousy

5 Ways to Get Over Jealousy

Five Ways To Get Over Jealousy

Jealousy is a real problem in any kind of relationship. As such it is important to recognize these traits and find effective ways of managing them, so let’s look at five simple ways to get over jealousy.

Here are five simple steps to get over jealousy:

1. Get Real With Yourself

If you are jealous of the time your mother spends with another suspicious that cheating make sure you’ve got a good reason for your suspicions.

This is not to advocate checking their text messages or emails on the sly, but rather to ask you, as this person done anything to merit my feelings?

Why don’t I trust them? Is it more about my insecurities or their behavior? The answers will help you determine your next step, whether it’s kicking them to the curb, curbing your insecurities.

2. Don’t Compare

Comparing your insight is someone else’s looks, body, career, qualifications, car, money Etc. can be really problematic.
Sure, they may have a cool new car why you’re taking public transport, but you can’t tell what’s going on inside another person’s head.

Everyone is dealing with their own issues, so maybe you can celebrate the good fortune and stay motivated to achieve your goals.

3. Focus On What You Have

You can choose to focus on what others have all what you may perceive them to have, or you can choose to focus on what you have. Jealousy often arises from the feeling of want in our lives.

We want more attention, more stuff and more security. If you choose to measure your self worth by what you see others have you are really putting yourself in a situation of swimming upstream.

Rather come from a mindset of have not, think about your positive qualities and your own achievements, and that attitude will shine through, making others appreciate you as much as you appreciate yourself. Choose to run your own race.

4. Talk It Through

When there’s a really serious problem between you and someone you care about, don’t let it go unspoken. It’s best to share your feelings with your partner or peers in a way that is controlled and with your emotions in tact.

In other words, talk about it as soon as you feel the jealous feelings arise and as soon as you are in an environment that is safe to share your concerns.

There is no point letting a build up inside until the emotions are so strong about hey there takes over in a way that you will later regret.

It is best to keep to the fax and not communicate in a way that sounds like you are making accusations or personal attacks. Remember the goal of the conversation is to alleviate the jealousy through reassurance.

5. Be Independent

Ask yourself if you are sharing the life of your peers or your partner-or controlling it. One of the reasons people sometimes experience jealousy in any kind of relationship is because I feel the other person has more in their life and the relationship itself.

It is okay for people to be in a relationship and still be independent of one another.
Just because you are together it doesn’t mean that all other friendships need to be sacrificed. Make sure you still have a life outside of the relationship and you have other people you can call and spend time with.

Just as friendships shouldn’t be sacrificed when you’re in an intimate relationship. It’s equally important to balance relationships with your friends to ensure you are not neglecting your partner.

Creating this balance will alleviate symptoms of jealousy.


By Mirella DeBoni




Mirella DeBoni

Relationship Counselling Specialist + Business Coach for Married Couples in Business

9 年

Hi Richard, I think it depends on the person and the situation. Feeling jealous is not the problem, it's how people react that creates a problem. Insecurities, self-doubt, self-worth, fear of losing someone special all contribute to how a person feels and behaves. It's not fun for the person with jealousy or their partner.

Richard Armstrong

Health, Safety, and Compliance Manager IOSH tech, Internal auditor 9001, 14001, 45001.

9 年

I have always viewed jealousy as a form of insecurity.........Am I wrong.


