5 Ways to Get the Job (vs. the Other Candidate)
You’re in the lobby of your prospective workplace, waiting to be called in to interview. The candidate before you exits, smiling. It’s your turn. You’re not nervous because you know the 5 ways to turn the tables in your favor and get the job.
1) Bring your A-Game
What do professional athletes do to get themselves pumped up for the big game? Music, pep talks, jumping jacks. You know what amps you up, so do it right before you walk in. (I recommend “The Performer” power stance!)
2) Practice your first impression-makers.
Smile, eye contact, handshake. These are all the key impression-makers in your first 30 seconds! Own it. Practice it. You’d be surprised how many people have darting eyes. Or worse, the “cold fish” handshake. You know this, and you won’t be one of them.
3) Show enthusiasm!
It really does “make the difference.” (Shoutout to Norman Vincent Peale.) If you and another candidate are identical in every respect, but you are enthusiastic and she is not, well, you can guess who’s getting the job.
4) Focus on value.
You’re going to focus on the value you’ll add to the team when you’re hired. While it’s not wrong to ask about benefits and other technicalities in an interview, you know it’s best to save those questions for the recruiter. When you meet with the Hiring Manager, you’ll ask them questions like “What are some challenges I can expect in my first month on the job?” and “What makes the top performers in this role successful?” This shows the Hiring Manager that you are already imagining yourself in the role, and ready to know how to succeed.
5) Expect the best.
You act as if you’re going to get the job. You use the interviewers’ names in your conversation with them. Relaxed confidence goes a long way-- the interviewers can now easily visualize you in the role and on their team.
Done! That wasn’t so bad, now was it? You got this...for real!