5 Ways to Expand Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank
Erica Castner
Personal Brand Strategist | Podcast Host "The Heart of Marketing You” | Ironman
Chances are, prior to March 2020, a big part of your brand awareness strategy was built on a combination of the following:
- the amount of networking events you attended
- the coffee dates you booked
- the in-person presentations you gave...
...in order to earn more word of mouth referrals.
Because after all, it’s not like your business has a big ‘ole marketing/advertising budget so how ELSE were you going to drive leads to your biz?
If you're looking for creative ways to expand your brand, without breaking the bank, you’re in the right spot.
Once you’ve read each of the points I share today, comment on this article to tell me which one you’re going to try or which one would you like more information on.
If you comment on this article with, “I want more information on (fill in the blank with the tip you'd like more information on), I will reply back within 24 hours with more tips.
Cool? Alright, let’s dive into the 5 ways to "Expand Your Brand Without Breaking the Bank” list:
#1: Call your existing clients, prospects, and referral partners - Take a few moments to reach out to people you already know. Ask them “how are you doing?“ or “what are you working on at the moment?“ or “how can I support you?“
Why is this effective? You get to feed off of other peoples energy, get insights as to what your ideal clients need help with, and open up doors for new business opportunities.
#2: Create content for someone else’s blog, podcast, or publication – Do you know someone who has a blog, a podcast, or a publication that discusses topics you are an expert on? If so, reach out to them and see if there’s a way to partner together on a piece.
Why is this effective? These opportunities expose you to another person’s audience, builds up your credibility factor, and can potentially increase your SEO if your website is linked on their platform.
Side note: In the last five years, I have been featured on over 200 podcasts, workshops, publications that have helped me get in front of my ideal clients in 23 countries to date. If you want to expand your brand on a national or global level, this is one of the fastest ways to do so.?
#3: Live streaming on your social media channels – Are you the type of person who could talk all day about your industry or field? If so, make a list of 5 to 10 talking points on a piece of paper. From there, turn your phone into selfie mode, go to your favorite social media channel, find the lifestream button, and do a short live stream on one of those topics.
Why is this effective? It gets people in your social media network familiar with the work that you do, helps you get more comfortable with talking about your areas of expertise, and potentially opens you up to new people who want to work with you.
#4: Joining someone else’s digital workshop, course, or online community – if you want to meet more like-minded people, this is the way to go! One of my success principles is to always be willing to learn and invest in your professional growth. Every time I make a commitment to take someone else's virtual workshop or digital course, there’s usually an online community I can plug into.
Why is this effective? Inside of these online communities, I can brainstorm ideas with people who "get it" and show off my expertise by sharing tips + resources that have helped me and my clients. Being a part of these communities has opened me up to work with clients and referral partners, all over the globe.???
#5: Social media "stories" – Creating "stories" on social media platforms is a great way to let people into the "behind the scenes" look of your business and life. Your clients and prospects want to feel like they know the people behind the brands they work with.
Why is this effective? You can see engagement metrics on your stories like, who has seen your posts. By knowing this information, you can reach out to thank them, ask how they are, and how you can support them at the moment?.
And, these are just a few of the strategies I (and my clients) have used to stay top of mind with clients, prospects, and referral partners, during these challenging times.
Now that you’ve read each of the points I shared today, comment on this article to tell me which one you’re going to try or which one would you like more information on.
If you make a comment on this article with, “I want more information on (fill in the blank with the tip you'd like more information on), I will reply back within 24 hours with some more tips
Time to rock!
Quote of the Day: "Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey." - unknown
Want to increase your influence, income, and impact, without adding more onto your plate? Then, subscribe to the "Love the Work You Do" podcast. Each week, Erica Castner and her guests share resources to help business owners improve their: professional relationships, sales, brand awareness, leadership abilities, productivity, confidence, and more. Subscribe where you listen to podcasts: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | iHeartRadio | Stitcher | Spotify