5 Ways to  Ensure Your Video Drives Views AND Results

5 Ways to Ensure Your Video Drives Views AND Results

Gaining brand visibility is key, whether that’s through SEO, Video Marketing, Direct Mail or other marketing channels. Enabling audiences to make an informed connection with your brand or business, requires consistency, clarity and repetition of your message. 

However, in the quest for effective airtime, it’s sometimes easy to choose quantity over quality; creating and sharing content that offers little depth or value. It’s therefore little surprise when such content fails to connect and instead flounders on our social channels. When it comes to Video Production, style MUST be supported in equal measure by substance.

 Whilst we all crave ego-inflating video views and clicks, engagement and conversion will always trump flattering vanity metrics. Results should be measured by sales, actual engagement (i.e. delegates to an event) or tangible learning.

 ' It’s what’s under the bonnet that really counts.’

 Hailed as ‘the most successful online viral video ever’, Evian’s Roller Babies ad, launched in 2009, rocketed into the Guinness Book of Records, quickly amassing over 50M views. In the year that followed, the brand lost market share and sales dropped 25 percent. We all remember the babies - but we don’t all remember the brand.

 Inevitably, online it’s substance which reigns supreme. Sure, content (which serves to reflect your brand and it’s value) must look great - that’s a given - but creating videos that inspire and connect on an emotive level, requires a deeper level of planning and execution. 

  ‘...if you create video content that your specific audience enjoys, 83% of consumers would consider sharing it with their friends.’ Source

When developing an effective brief, it’s vital to get under the skin of your business and question ‘why’ (are making the content in the first place)? Once you understand the why, then answer the question ‘who’ (are you talking to) and ‘what’ (are you saying)? 

 To ensure tangible results follow positive metrics, keep these three tips in mind when developing your content.

1. Understand your limitations

In the race to share content, there's naturally a temptation to have a go yourself. How hard can pointing a camera really be? Whilst maintaining a healthy flow of content is essential, keep in mind your purpose in mind. If your glossy new video will be reflecting your company's values, then consider the services of professionals or seek to develop your skills through Video Training.

A significant 93% of companies outsource all or part of their video content creation to access specialized expertise and technology. Source

 2. Add value

Always strive to create content that serves your audience. How might you be able to provide relevant insight and knowledge, making the lives of your viewers easier? What questions might you be able to answer or problems solved?

Platforms like YouTube are a great place to build a series of FAQ videos, helping your customers understand how to use your product or service.

 3. Demonstrate empathy

Understanding your customer's needs is vital. Recognising their pain points, being relevant and being visible at the right time, will keep you front of mind when they are ready to purchase.

What is the single biggest factor that affects your customers choice of a service provider? Seek to hone in and answer that concern within your video.

 4. Know your target audience

There’s little point trying to create content that appeases all audiences. A video which strives to serve the majority will inevitably appeal to the few. Really zone in on whom you are talking too and ask yourself, ‘is my video talking to that person’ ‘am I appealing to this specific sector.’

If your video brief has too broad an audience, then look to create shorter chapters and deploy appropriately.

5. Find common ground

The most successful campaigns ignite senses and stir emotions. Whilst not all of your company's messages will be topical, posting content and information that audiences can relate to, will increase your chances of it being shared. Seek to create a brief which builds empathy, forms synergies and develops trust.

List the various types of content you could be sharing. Which of these are most likely to compel your target audience to share? 

‘You don’t keep a Ferrari parked in the garage...’

Finally, all campaigns must be driven (hard). Don’t expect your video to soar if you don’t put in the hard yards to support it. Very few videos will achieve your objectives if either you or your agency aren’t executing an effective Video Marketing plan. Don’t waste an opportunity by not building a plan around the launch of your shiny new video(s). Always work with a production partner who has the resources, knowledge and expertise to support your promotional or training objectives. 


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