5 ways to cure FEAR,
James Fleming M.
Leading Change, Unlocking Leadership Potential, Amazon#1 Best Seller. Life-changing Leadership Development with Lifelong Results, Through Our Trust and Inspire MQ-Leadership Evolution.
So how do you cure fear?
First, it's not so much about curing fear, which can be your friend! It's more about letting fear cure YOU. When you develop the right relationship with fear and uncertainty, fear can be the finger pointing toward everything in need of healing in your life. Here are a few things that can you can do now.
1. Focus on what you appreciate/Gratitude.
Love can transmute fear almost instantly when you open your heart and allow yourself to feel gratitude. Close your eyes and think about a child you love or a beloved one who touches your heart. A time when you first knew you were in love, holding your lover close. The feeling of life itself. Let yourself experience that memory of love and connectedness. Watch Fear dissolve in the moment.
2. Meditate.
Meditation is a well-studied and scientifically-proven way to reduce fear, improve your health, ramp up your courage, and tune you into the frequency of the source energy. If you've never meditated before, try downloading my free MP3 track of guided meditation and my GATE-Way to Action booklet. This will help take you on a journey, calm your nervous system, boost your faith, rewire your fear-based worldview, and help you transform your fear into fuel for awakening.
3. Question your beliefs.
Every time you have a fearful thought, question it. What's true about that thought? What's not true about that thought? The minute you question your thoughts and beliefs, you start to create distance, allowing you space to take control of your thoughts. This starts to loosen fear's hold on you right away.
4. Trust the Universe (Source).
Einstein said, "The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe." When you believe it's a hostile universe, life is scary. But when you trust that you are held, loved, safe, nurtured, and protected by a guiding intelligence that is ALL LOVE, you can relax.
Whether you ascribe to any specific religion or just consider yourself "spiritual but not religious," anything that facilitates your trust in a friendly universe helps you let go and surrender, making your desires and problems an offering to the Divine in whatever way feels authentic to you.
5. Find your soul tribe (Get a mindset coach).
It's REALLY hard to make this kind of radical transformation alone! Find other spiritually-inclined, courageous beings who are making brave choices to be their most authentic selves. And limit your exposure to people who let fear run their lives (without judging them).
If you make this journey alone, you'll feel terrified — and crazy. But when you see the magic that starts to happen when others live their lives this way, it will inspire you to stay the course, even when the journey gets challenging. You'll also have way more fun letting your freak flag fly when others are flying theirs with you.