5 Ways to Cultivate the Deep Conversations Introverts Crave
One of the paradoxes of being an introvert is that, on the one hand, you tend to crave genuine connections with people—especially via engaging, deep conversations—while on the other you quickly become drained, even discouraged, by typical, more garden-variety ?social interactions.
You want to talk.
You don’t want to talk.
Which is it?
The answer, of course, is both.
More accurately: It depends on the person, the situation, the setting, and the topic(s) of conversation.
How can you have more of the types of social interactions that feed your introverted spirit and replenish your energy reserves—and fewer of the kind that do the opposite?
Here are a few tricks of the deep conversations trade that work well for me, and others.
One on One Is Your Wheelhouse
Having deep conversations in a group setting is next to impossible. There are simply too many competing voices that get in the way, and usually there's too much background noise as well—too much external stimulation.
So, to the degree that you can, arrange to talk to people one on one in quiet settings.
Meet at the local library.
Find the coffee shop booth that is tucked away in a back corner.
If you’re at a networking event or conference, steal away outside for a few minutes and sit on a bench together.
Fellow Introvert—Do You Constantly Feel ...
Frustrated? Exhausted? Discouraged?
D) All of the above ... and a whole lot more!?
I have a theory as to why. A solid one, based on my own experiences as an introvert as well as my more than 20 years of research and writing about introverts and introversion.
Take a bike ride with me at beautiful Itasca State Park to find out what my explanation is—and what you can DO to turn things around, so that you can be healthy and happy your own way.
As the introvert you are.
P.S. Itasca always reminds me of new beginnings, as it's the place where the mighty Mississippi River begins. If you're looking for a new beginning to your life as an introvert, join me!
The Phone Hinders Deep Conversations
At least one study has shown that even the mere presence of a cell phone (or two) when you’re with someone can have an adverse effect on your interactions.
You’ve undoubtedly experienced this phenomenon yourself: You’re talking to someone and, even though they aren’t actively checking their phone, you can sense that you are somehow competing against it for your companion's attention.
Your conversation partner might well be thinking the same thing about you if your phone is visible during a conversation!
So … put it away.
And encourage your conversation partner to do the same—starting with your own modeling of the behavior.
Work Hard Not to Interrupt
Most of us, myself included, think we do a great job of not interrupting others when they are talking.
Most of us, myself included, are wrong.
We don’t try to interrupt. But we just can’t seem to help ourselves.
We tend not to listen quietly until the other person has completed his/her thought; instead, we have a hair-trigger for jumping in before that.
And as Kate Murphy notes in her fascinating book You're Not Listening: What You're Missing and Why It Matters, we introverts are not immune to this habit:
“Introverts, because they are quieter, are often thought to be better listeners. But this, too, is false. Listening can be particularly challenging for introverts because they have so much busyness going on in their heads that it’s hard to make room for additional input.”
So if you really want to make deep connections with people through deep conversations, pay attention first to your listening, not your speaking.
If you listen well, your partner is more likely to do the same.
Make Peace with Interruptions Anyway
No matter how well you listen or how well you are listened to, interruptions of some sort are inevitable in virtually every conversation. Nobody’s perfect, and few situations are ideal for undisturbed interaction.
I was talking with my brother Mike at a family gathering not long ago, and while he is generally an excellent listener he kept getting distracted—by other people in attendance, and by his tiny Maltese, Pluto, foolishly challenging the dog next door to a fight.
I am prone in such situations to give up on the conversation.
But this time I hung in there—and had a nice, if brief, chat with my brother.
Give “the Gift of Going First”
In her Introvert, Dear website article entitled "How to Connect Meaningfully When You're an Introvert Who Hates Small Talk," writer Grace Furman suggests that the next time you want, or you’re in, a deep conversation, give your partner “the gift of going first."
"Share something a little vulnerable,” Furman says—it can be as simple as “I don’t really know anyone at this party” or “I’ve never enjoyed camping.”
You'll be paid back and then some, Furman stresses:
“In my experience, people usually respond in kind, and this creates a fulfilling bonding experience.”
Originally published on the Introvert Insights blog.
No, Nothing's "Wrong" with You! You're Simply an Introvert!
Fellow introvert: Be healthy and happy your own way, as the introvert you are. It's time. Enroll now in my premier online course and coaching program for introverts: Be the Introvert You Are! The Introvert's Way to a Healthy, Happy Life.
Learning Experience Designer | Writing about Mindful Productivity | Founder President, Wake Up India Foundation.
11 个月Great insights, Peter Vogt. In our hurry to connect with the most people, we sometimes overlook the value of meaningful, deep conversations.