5 Ways to Change Your Life

5 Ways to Change Your Life

I originally made this article in 2020 and it was called how to change your life in 2020 and beyond.

It's still relevant so I'm sharing it today as a powerful reminder, and stay till the end because there is one thing that you can master that an absolutely change your life and I'm sharing it with you here.

If you like video format, here's a video that I did before my rebrand- https://youtu.be/IjjCIDLSTW0

Anyway, let's get to it.

1. Dive deep into a spiritual practice-

It helps you connect with something much bigger than yourself so you know you aren’t alone . You don’t get caught up in the day to day because you are able to pull yourself out of the mundane because you are connected with a bigger vision and purpose for your life. Having a vision and a purpose for your life means that you are living life from that space and when you are connected to that you inherently are living a life more connected to your truth and your purpose. This is where miracles and life transformations happen…. When you are living life from this space.

2. Commit to being a lifelong learner-

I have already spoken about neuroplasticity in the month of December and broken down how it works on a simplistic level. Learning forms structural changes in your brain that can help you rewire your brain thereby literally changing who you are and how you think. On a simple level we have all heard this…. What got you where you are today won’t get you further… to grow and evolve you have to get better. The better you get the higher your potential. Spiritually and scientifically this is evidence that even if you feel like you are determined to stay stuck where you are, you can transform your potential in life just by learning. There is a lot of talk about generational ties and breaking the patterns that have been passed down from generation to generation and it all starts with learning new, learning different and learning better.

3. Stop Wasting Your Time-

I can get a lot done in a day…. I can get a lot done in an hour. Probably more than the average person. It’s not because I am better than you or more special than you. It just boils down to if I am using my time wisely or not and if I am in my zone, I am on fire. Time is one of the only resources you can never get back and while I am not a proponent of filling up every waking moment doing things…. I also firmly believe that life is short and the majority of your life should be spent aligning with your purpose. From this day forward, don’t beat yourself up about what you did or didn’t do, just say that from this point forward, you are willing to live a life that is more connected to your purpose.

4. Value your happiness-

I did a short video a few weeks back about what I believed happiness to be but the main point is that it is the result of living in alignment with the vision and purpose that you have for yourself. That means that as much as you can control yourself, your environment, and the people you interact with should all align with that vision. I am a realist so I know sometimes we may feel trapped in situations that make us unhappy or not have options available to us that we desire, but I do know what happens far more frequently is the fact that we allow circumstances to steal our happiness and we give our power away by not being brave enough to cut out the things or people that disturb our sense of peace. Do a quick inventory of some of the things in your life that make you unhappy and make the decision about what you can do within your control to start to change those things rather than allow them to continue to take up space in your life.

5. Take Action-

We all have something in our life that calls us deep in our heart and soul. We make up excuses about why we can’t make it happen… maybe it will cost too much, maybe we are scared, maybe we tried before and failed…. Lots of stories. This year I want to challenge you to honor that pull in your heart and take action and do something that takes you a step closer to what you have been called to do. Again, I don’t think you have to be extreme and go all in but I think the magic opens up for you when you take the first step to generate the momentum in a new direction. Not relying on when you feel like it or waiting till the time is right. Just think about that one small action that you can take in a direction that is calling your heart and be open to allowing the assistance of a higher power come in and prove to you that you don’t have to do it alone.

There you have it, tips from an article from 2020 that are still relevant today because they are base pillars of life.

Now for the treat

Time is one of the most important resources that you can leverage to take control of your life. I mentioned a bit about it in tip #3 but if you want to dive deeper into some advanced strategies to help you learn how to leverage your time from a high performance perspective then check out this free LinkedIn Event I'm doing soon that comes with access to FREE personalized support- https://www.dhirubhai.net/events/advancedtimemanagementstrategie7218794461063995392


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