5 Ways To Build a Proactive Marketing Team Part 2
Please read Part 1 of the article, if you haven't already done so.
#4 Micro-managers kill proactive teams
Do you like things to be done in a certain way? Do you have a hard time letting go? Is your motto "trust, but verify"?
You might want to ask your team if they perceive you as a micro-manager. The issue is that teams that work for a micro-managers are conditioned not to take any decision before they have received feedback from their manager. They don't want to get into trouble by surprising their manager with a solution that he or she doesn't appreciate.
Instead of leading by directives, lead by objectives. You will become more effective as a leader when you communicate the goals, the reasons behind, and your expectations. Trust your team to figure out the "How" and provide support where they need it.
There is more than one way to skin a cat, so don't assume as the manager, you always have the best answer. Once we can get over own ego, we can start appreciating the ideas and different perspectives of our team and include them in the solution.
#5 Proof that it's possible to make a difference
People want to believe that there is a way to have an impact and make a difference. They want to know that their extra work has a chance of success and will be acknowledged. The easiest way to provide this proof is to lead by example. Find a small issue that is bugging the team. This issue could be a process, a tool, or the relationship to a stakeholder. Take action and fix it (that's why you want to pick a small enough issue).
Once it's fixed, use the next opportunity to reflect with your team on the topic. Tell your story how you wanted to become more proactive, what you did, and how it benefited yourself and the company.
Hopefully, you will see examples of others taking the initiative. Now it is vital to encourage proactive behavior independent from the outcome.
Over time you will build a team that's self-sufficient, engaged, and productive. You will find that fewer people will come to you to fix their problems and as a result, you will have more time at your hands! If this isn't a "win-win," I don't know what is!
If you found this article interesting, download your free copy of the "Time Reclaimer System" and learn about the 3 simple steps to reclaim time for marketing managers.
Christian works as an executive coach and marketing consultant. He helps marketing leaders to become focused, faster and more efficient. His approach is to integrate business goals with the required behavioral change. Key areas of expertise are internal positioning of marketing, partnering with other business functions and working in multi-cultural, international, dispersed teams.