5 Ways to Be a Boss Communicator
Effective communication is the backbone of any successful business. In almost every setting leaders find themselves negotiating deals, providing feedback to employees, or fostering an environment of psychological safety.
This is why masterful communication skills are so essential. In this article, we'll explore five powerful ways to elevate your communication game, drawing wisdom from renowned experts in the field.
1. Master the Art of Negotiation
Christopher Voss , a former FBI hostage negotiator and the author of "Never Split the Difference," offers invaluable techniques for navigating high-stakes negotiations. Growth Faculty and Mortgage Choice are running a live virtual masterclass with Chris Voss on April 10 , 2024 (become a Growth Faculty member to access Chris and other world-class thought leaders).
One key strategy of Chris's is to use calibrated questions to gain insight into the other party's motivations and constraints. Examples are: "How is that worthwhile?" "How will this look in a year if things don't change?" "What is the core issue here?" By asking thoughtful questions and truly listening to their responses, you can uncover hidden needs and find creative solutions that benefit both sides.
2. Listen to Understand
?? Michael Bungay Stanier ("MBS"), the author of 'The Coaching Habit,' 'The Advice Trap' and 'How to Work With (Almost) Anyone' sees active listening as a transformative skill. Too often, we listen merely to respond (and act as an "advice monster" by offering our advice) rather than to truly understand.
MBS's techniques, such as the "AWE" method (asking 'And What Else?' over and over), encourage leaders to pause on giving advice and instead, try to get to the heart of the issue.
3. Foster Psychological Safety
Amy Edmondson , Novartis professor of leadership at Harvard Business School, has extensively researched the concept of psychological safety – the shared belief that it's safe to take interpersonal risks within a team.
In her bestseller "The Fearless Organization," Edmondson says that by creating an environment where employees feel comfortable speaking up, admitting mistakes, and offering fresh ideas without fear of retribution, you'll cultivate a culture of openness, innovation, and continuous improvement.
4. Embrace Radical Candor
Kim Scott , the author of "Radical Candor," advocates for a communication style that seamlessly blends care and honesty.
Radical candor involves challenging directly while caring deeply - showing genuine concern for the individual's growth and success. By providing timely, clear, and actionable feedback in a caring and respectful manner, the two parties can build trust, develop a strong relationship, and achieve greater things.
5. Be a Coach, Not a Critic
Building on the principles of radical candor and psychological safety, effective leaders should strive to be coaches , not critics.
Rather than pointing out flaws or dictating solutions, empower your team by asking thought-provoking questions that guide them toward self-discovery and personal growth. This collaborative approach not only enhances communication but also fosters ownership, accountability, and long-term development.
By embracing these five powerful communication strategies, you'll become a boss communicator – a leader who can navigate complex negotiations, foster an environment of trust and psychological safety, provide honest and caring feedback, and empower their team to reach new heights.