5 Ways to Boost Your Veterinary Career
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It’s time.
You have built up your experience and expertise, and you are quietly confident that you are ready to take a big step up in your career.
Your motivations could be many. Building up a nest egg in anticipation of adding to your family, you want the challenge of leading a substantial team, you desire to fix some of the systemic issues that challenge the veterinary space, or practice ownership is your goal. You may be concerned about skill stagnation, have a deep-seated wish to create the ideal practice culture from the ground up, or take on a leadership role at an industry level, guiding policies and protocols that will have a long-lasting impact.
Current research confirms that one in four veterinary professionals – doctors, nurses or veterinary technicians or management – are considering changing their employment in 2023.
If you are considering such a change, here are five key ways you can prepare to boost your veterinary career...
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