5 Ways to Avoid Sabotaging Yourself

5 Ways to Avoid Sabotaging Yourself

When life christens us with barrels full of slop, even the happiest and strongest of us can fall victim to gloom and doom. We've all been there and the holidays (and shorter bursts of sunshine) can sometimes bring hard times in spades.

Analysis paralysis is real, people. Especially when there is a lot to ponder and consider. And when said analysis gets you thinking in angry and sad emojis, well, self sabotage is just around the corner. However, before you take a left on Sabotage Street, take a moment and try some of the following tips to avoid tripping yourself up mentally or emotionally.

You vs You = voluntary sabotage.
  1. Set attainable goals (and deadlines). It's easy to get overwhelmed when you're looking at that mountain you need to climb. Stop looking at the mountain. Instead, look at your feet and tell yourself you can take the next 5 steps. Break things down into bite-sized goals that don't send you into a panic attack with each passing moment.
  2. Activate laser focus. Anyone who races long distances has experienced "the wall." When exhaustion overwhelms you and makes you want to quit or take short cuts, the best thing you can do is activate a singular focus and block out the noise. It's 99% mental. The same goes for life. When you start to get overwhelmed by all the details, determine which goal is most important and focus on finding a way to achieve that one big thing.
  3. Take a break. Not possible, you say? There's always time. Even if it's just for 30 minutes. Maybe try some meditation - even just a few minutes of quiet can help calm the panic or despair that may be overwhelming you.
  4. Write it out. Talking it out is all well and good, but writing it out triggers a different psychological response. Physically forming the words has a therapeutic effect on our mind. It's actually kind of magical even according to psychologists. Write it all out - don't stop to make it pretty, just get it out. You just might be surprised at how much better this makes you feel.
  5. Get involved in a cause greater than yourself. We often dwell too much on our own problems - this causes us to make mountains out of mole hills and to lose perspective. Find a way in your own community to make a difference - you'll be surprised at how this will invigorate and motivate you in every aspect of your life.

Ultimately, this is a "game" of psychological warfare with yourself. With some thoughtful re-engineering, you can keep going.

What tips/tricks do you use to keep yourself in check and avoid the self-sabotage trap?

Chad Carroll

Graphic Designer

7 年

"Take a Break!!!" That's my favorite, but surprisingly hard to do. I also envision how much worse the situation can be. That brings on the attitude of gratitude really quick.


