5 Ways To Address Cost & Staff Shortage With Role Re-Design
Mischa Dick
Reinventing Healthcare Operations - Pop Health & RAF | LOS | Capacity | Provider Sat | Cost of Care. Unlock Dormant Capability In Partnership With Employees. Managing Partner.
Quick recap from the last article:?Everyone is struggling with cost escalations and staff shortages.?Rather than trying to solve these issues with more “like” resources, which creates higher costs, we are suggesting that you unlock hidden capacity.?The previous blog covered the concept of using loss function algorithms to prioritize work (https://reinventwork.com/blog/f/address-cost-escalations-staff-shortages-by-unlocking-resources).?
This article covers the next piece:?The Foundation Of Responsibility Re-Design
Here is how you can unlock hidden capacity, solving for cost issues and staff shortages at the same time.?The topics are listed in reverse order of execution – just to keep the more interesting conversation up front:
·???????Build High Performance Work Teams (HPWTs).?High performance work teams are cross functional teams sharing work, success criteria and process.?The team members leverage one another with their differing skill sets.?HPWTs operate as an organizational unit, and allow for shifting of tasks from one resource type to another with minimal information loss, overhead and risk to quality.?The team has an operational lead, and this operational lead often has ultimate decision authority.?However, the way the team functions is collaboratively and seamlessly.?In the HPWT structure, tasks are identified by role type, which allows you to define tasks that can be offloaded from high cost and constrained resources to those with higher availability and lower cost (within the same team which makes it different than the next bullet).?You leverage the constrained and more expensive resource.?Let’s look at some examples:?In aviation, the flight crew operates as a high performance work team.?Collectively they are responsible for the safe and efficient operation of the flight.?There are several roles, captain – highest paid, highest qualified, ultimate decision authority, first officer (co-pilot) – same skills as the captain, maybe less experience, the lead flight attendant, and the flight attendants.?Each have tasks they execute to.?However, to make it all work, there are some key details that are important.?For any given flight, there is a flying pilot and a PM (monitoring pilot) or PNF (pilot not flying).?Who does what in the cockpit is defined in advance of the flight.?Then there are standards.?It is amazing that flight crews can be assembled over thousands of employees for a particular flight, and while they may have never worked together, they can safely and efficiently operate a highly complex machine in a very complex environment – safely.?Standards, drills, communication frameworks, it is all there to make it work.?Take Crew Resource Management – a standard way of communication to overcome the risk of a high ranking team member (like the captain or in healthcare a physician) making mistakes and overlooking something critical.?Remember the Asiana flight that hit the seawall in San Francisco??This is what they did NOT do.?When CRM is followed,?the First Officer is not only allowed, but required to communicate any issue, and does so in a factual and non-confrontational way.?Another example is a leveraged population health model, where Nurse Practitioners (NPs) work with a number of Health Coaches to deliver services as a team.?In this way the cost per patient serviced is a fraction of a traditional model, usually with much better outcomes.?Similar models exist for hospitalists.?The key to having this deliver results it so build a system that is reliable.?Just assigning individuals to teams and tasks usually leads to frustration, and the constrained resource will ‘hold on’ to what they have done in the past.
·???????Create Off Loading Service Centers:?Building administrative service operations that are dedicated to completing work currently completed by highly skilled and potentially licensed (read costly) resources can create 30+% capacity and reduce costs by 15+%.?The concept is simple enough:?Identify tasks being completed by constrained and higher cost resources that do not require the skill set or license.?Transfer those tasks to a service operation staffed with higher availability and lower cost resources.?And, as a benefit, when you create this as a virtual and demand centralizing center, you will gain economies of scale as an added benefit.?The approach works well for anything too complex to automate, yet simple enough that you can easily create a handoff and feedback mechanism.?
·???????Consider Automation:?Automation has matured, a lot.?Simple tasks that follow algorithmic execution can be fully automated.?Identify them and go for it.?A word of caution: Bots.?Bots, those that tie systems together via web interfaces can be a double edged sword.?They A – need to be built (translation – cost and effort) and need to be fed (a website changes, they break, you need to fix them).?It is amazing how much ERP and EMR capability is already in place and not used.?These types of solutions, including use of EDI standards, are much more robust.
·???????Reduce The Need For Capacity:?Some work in the system is using capacity and generating cost that should not even be there in the first place.?For example, many customer service encounters should be transitioned to other channels.?Great example, scheduling calls or check-ins.?Per healthleadersmedia.com, 80% of patients prefer self scheduling, yet only 15% of doctor’s appointments are scheduled that way.?80+% of airport check-ins are now done using self-service.?Remember that check in counter??Exactly!
·???????Remove Waste:?This is classic Reengineering & Lean 101 – Dr. Michael Hammer said it best:?“Don’t automate, obliterate”.?It does not make sense to worry about automation or shifting work of any tasks that should not be done in the first place.?Apply the 7 Types of Waste methodology and rid yourself of any non-value added tasks.?This is best done in the workplace (gemba) by creating a platform for continuous improvement using mechanisms like shift briefings (These are not huddles!?Huddles are usually about updating others about the work being done – like a patient condition and status update.?A shift briefing is about performance and process improvement, a very different purpose than a huddle).
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