5 Ways to Adaptability: Your Ultimate Guide to Succeed in Bangkit 2023
Hello, everyone!
I have been contemplating on a matter recently and would like to express my thoughts with you. To be honest, becoming a part of Bangkit Academy, which is led by well-known companies such as Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, and Traveloka, proved to be a significant challenge for me. Prior to joining Bangkit Academy 2023, I was content staying within my comfort zone. However, as time passed, I encountered obstacles that compelled me to step out of my comfort zone and develop qualities such as adaptability, open-mindedness, and risk-taking.
"Adaptability is not imitation. It means power of resistance and assimilation." - Mahatma Gandhi
1. Ways of Interacting
I am facing some communication difficulties due to being a non-native English speaker. However, as the program progressed, I have managed to enhance my English communication skills by engaging in conversation and writing in English with my mentors and fellow cohort members. Weekly consultations allowed us to discuss our advancement in the program, exchange ideas, and provide feedback. As a result, I have established valuable relationships with my mentors and peers. Additionally, I utilized LinkedIn to connect with other cohorts and expand my network within the tech industry. This has enabled me to network with individuals from other cohorts and establish new connections.
2. Ways of Achieving
Bangkit Academy motivates us, the students, to optimize our learning potential by utilizing a reward and punishment system to motivate us to meet the deadlines they have established. On a monthly basis, there are numerous milestone objectives that I am required to fulfill. To achieve these goals, I motivate myself by reminding myself of the benefits of accomplishing them. In return for my accomplishments, Bangkit Academy provides rewards as promised. I rely on a variety of tools to monitor my learning progress, such as Notion and Google Calendars. Notion is useful for tracking my progress, while Google Calendar is beneficial for scheduling my learning activities.
3. Ways of Learning
Bangkit Academy has created a secure and all-encompassing environment for all participants to work towards their shared objective of growth and learning. To acquire new skills, I make use of the available learning resources provided by Dicoding, Coursera, Google Cloud Skill Boost (GCSB), and ILT sessions. I take notes while studying to retain the information better. Nonetheless, there are times when I encounter challenges in comprehending what I am learning. Despite this, my motivation and eagerness to acquire new knowledge have enabled me to overcome these obstacles and make progress.
4. Ways of Working
Adapting to the program's tight schedule and deadlines while completing the coursework and assignments can be challenging, and at times, overwhelming. Nonetheless, by applying the capacity planning strategies taught in the ILT time management class, I have learned to manage my time efficiently and cope with the workload. As a result, I can consistently dedicate at least eight hours per day to learning.
5. Ways of Thinking
In any endeavor, having a growth mindset is crucial. Through the Bangkit Academy program, my passion for acquiring new knowledge has allowed me to enhance my critical thinking abilities. As a result, challenges are no longer viewed as obstacles but rather as opportunities for personal growth and development.
And that's all. Hope you guys enjoy my article and leave me a thumbs up if you like it. See you in another article!