5 Ways of Adaptability
Salman Fariz Aulia
Mobile/Web Developer | Final Year Student Informatics Engineering
As a Bangkit 2024 cohort, this journey is not just about technical skills in technology. Rather, it is an opportunity to experience personal and professional growth through adaptability. Within adaptability, there are five important aspects that we need to learn to adapt: how to interact, achieve goals, learn, work, and think. Let's explore my experience of adaptability during time in the Bangkit 2024 program. I will focused on the following sentence: "We live in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) era." We risk being left behind if we cannot adapt.”
1. Ways of Interacting ???
In the Bangkit Academy program, there are many participants with different characters, personalities, and campuses. However, as time went on, I began to adjust and found the journey to be very enjoyable even though I was initially anxious about the repetitive tasks. During the ILT sessions, I started to feel more confident to initiate conversations and participate in the Q&A sessions. I then applied the same to the weekly consultations with my mentor.
2. Ways to Achieve ??
The curriculum and schedule of this program seem to be quite solid. In addition, I gained a lot of knowledge about experiences and tasks, especially with regards to time management and achieving my goals. However, the reality is that balancing college classes with involvement in Bangkit Academy requires effective strategies and time management.
3. Ways of Learning ??
I am a student currently majoring in Informatics Engineering. However, I am always eager to keep learning, be it in developing soft skills or keeping up with new technology. The key to successfully adapting at Bangkit Academy is to understand the learning style. During my journey at Bangkit Academy, I have learned through developing a growth mindset, actively asking for feedback, and using every opportunity to improve my skills and abilities.
4. Ways of Working ??
Learning is the initial stage, but to truly understand the concepts thoroughly, we need to put what we have learned into practice. Rise strongly highlights the importance of teamwork, and to succeed there, we need to be able to conform to the various rules that have been set. Likewise, every assigned task has a time limit, so it is important to manage time efficiently to avoid being late.
5. Ways of Thinking ??
I gained skills in thinking critically, creatively, and in solving problems in an effective and accurate manner. The curriculum presented at Bangkit Academy provides a very structured approach in teaching various skills, including strategies to achieve desired goals, time management, and critical thinking skills. This has strengthened my confidence to achieve big goals in the future.
In conclusion, the Bangkit 2024 program is a transformational experience and not just a professional activity.
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