[ 5 Ways of Adaptability ]

[ 5 Ways of Adaptability ]

During the Bangkit 2024 program, I learned a lot about the importance of adaptability, especially in five main aspects, namely: how to interact, achieve, learn, work, and think.

1. Interact

In Bangkit, I not only focus on individual tasks, but also actively interact with other participants through various platforms provided. One of the ways I did this was by getting acquainted through Discord, where we often discussed materials or had casual conversations. In addition, I also started connecting with friends in the Bangkit program through LinkedIn to expand my professional network. In fact, some of them I follow on Instagram, so our interactions are not limited to learning materials, but also more personal. I also did not only interact with friends from the same learning path, but expanded my relationship to other learning paths such as Machine Learning and Cloud Computing, to gain additional insights and information.

2. Achievement

The Bangkit program demands more than just completing assignments on time. There are quality standards that must be met, and the individual assignments require me to work harder. Each assignment is not only about understanding the material, but also ensuring that I have thoroughly mastered the concepts before moving on to the next module. This encouraged me to be more disciplined in managing my time and not to procrastinate. Challenges like these made me realize that achievement at Bangkit is not just about completing assignments, but also how I continue to grow and improve from previous mistakes.

3. Learning

The way of learning at Bangkit encourages me to adapt faster. The modules provided focused more on hands-on practice, so I had to learn independently. At first, I found it difficult because there were no lecturers who directly gave explanations like on campus. However, over time, I got used to finding my own information from various sources. I often watched video tutorials, read articles, or joined study groups on Discord. I also started to explore materials outside the modules provided to deepen my understanding. Although the assignments were individual, I still learned to collaborate indirectly through discussions with friends on the platform.

4. Work

Since the tasks in Bangkit are still individual, I had to learn to work effectively and independently. Each task demands full focus and good time management. I used to make a daily schedule to ensure that each module can be completed smoothly. In addition, I had to learn to overcome laziness and remain disciplined in carrying out my responsibilities. I still try to maintain the quality of individual work to meet the expected standards. Time management apps such as Google Calendar and Trello are very helpful in keeping me organized and completing tasks on time.

5. Thinking

Rise also helped me develop a more critical and strategic way of thinking. Previously, I tended to focus on the technical aspects, but in Bangkit, I was encouraged to look at problems from a broader perspective. Each module not only demands technical understanding, but also how to apply that knowledge in real situations. I'm getting used to thinking about the long-term impact of the solutions I create.


