5 Ways of Adaptability
Prinaf Sika
Backend Developer | Cyber Security & DevOps Enthusiast | An undergraduate student at Informatics UPNVJT
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
- Charles Darwin -
Adaptability is the ability to learn flexibly and efficiently and to apply that knowledge across situations. There are 5 ways of adaptability, namely Ways of Interacting, Ways of Achieving, Ways of Learning, Ways of Working, and Ways of Thinking.
Ways of Interacting ??
I am interested in the Bangkit Academy program because collaborating with many leading companies in Indonesia. And Bangkit is a big program, so many people follow it. Interacting with many new people is not an easy thing, a variety of different traits and characters. So we must be polite and respect each other in adapting to this new environment. ??
Ways of Achieving ??
This program provides many challenges and tasks and projects that must be completed as quickly as possible. From this we must be able to manage time and prioritize work that must be done immediately, sometimes there are some that do not match that we plan. Therefore, we must make other plans in order to get things done on time. ??
Ways of Learning ??
The Bangkit Academy program offers a rigorous curriculum with rapidly evolving technology and tools. My method of learning means keeping up to date with the latest industry trends, writing on my blog site, always attending sessions with experts or seniors, and looking for help and guidance from mentors and friends to acquire new skills, informations, and knowledge. ??
Ways of Working ??
While the program was progressing, I had to adapt my way of working to meet tight deadlines and deliver high-quality results. This involved improving time management, adopting agile project management methodologies, and being flexible in adjusting work processes as needed. In addition, I also had to split my time with other jobs or activities. ?
Ways of Thinking ??
In this program, I learned a lot about how to think well and efficiently, such as preferring growth mindset rather than fixed mindset and accepting feedback from everyone that can make us better, also thinking rationally and creative in everything, managing time well to be more planned, then thinking critically in solving a problem. ??
Thank you! for reading my story of going through and implementing the concept of adapting the Bangkit Academy 2023 program.
#lifeAtBangkit #Bangkit2023