5 Ways of Adaptability
Melani Putri Azalia
Information System Student at Gunadarma University | Data Analytics & Machine Learning Enthusiast
Adaptability is the ability to learn flexibly and efficiently and to apply that knowledge across situations. I lived in this VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) where the situation of constant, unpredictable change that is now the norm in certain industries and areas of the business world.
“All living things contain a measure of madness that moves them in strange, sometimes inexplicable ways. This madness can be saving; it is part and parcel of the ability to adapt. Without it, no species would survive.” ― Yann Martel, Life of Pi
Adaptability is important due to several reasons, like, to improve flexibility, encourage innovation, promote resilience and increase agility. The needs of having high adaptability skills is necessary to adapt not only to unpleasant circumstances but also to the fast-changing world.
During my learning journey at Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka, I continuously improved both in terms of hard and soft skills. This experience has shown me that there are five ways we need to adapt, namely Ways of Interacting, Ways of Achieving , Ways of Learning, Ways of Working and Ways of Thinking. Here are 5 ways I have adapted during my time in the Bangkit program:
1. Ways of Interacting
The first time i joined Bangkit, there's a lot things I have to adapt including new circumstances and environments. Bangkit is a fully online program, this presented both struggles and advantages. The advantages is i can fully expand my networking beyond my area, meet people with new personalities and goals, even meet an instructor from abroad.
However, the advantages is came with the struggles also. The struggles that i have to faced is i have to adapt with the environments in Bangkit. Such as an online communication through Discord. At first, i was not confident and lacked in keep up with the informations, but now, i can fully adapt in communicating with others in Discord. I met a lot of peers and mentors there and found lots of fun in interacting with various people.
2. Ways of Achieving
Bangkit has a really packed and busy schedules. It changes the way I approach my goals. In order to keep up with all the Bangkit schedules, I was trained to have a good time management skills to complete all my responsibilities while learning in Bangkit.
This including have to finishing courses, attending ILT sessions, completing all the assignments and feedbacks on time, and maintaining my relation with peers and mentors. With limited time and numerous responsibilities to fulfill, I learned to strategize and prioritize to achieve my goals efficiently.
3. Ways of Learning
Machine Learning is the field I interest but have no deeper resources to learn it. As an Information System, this is not my first time to learn about programming and data.
Joining Bangkit as an Machine Learning Cohort made me can learn Machine Learning deeper than the materials i learned in college. It was such a fun but hard experience. Realizing that learning is came with the struggles to understand the materials from given platform, I need to seek other platform to understand the materials in a simple ways. I also experimented with various styles of learning in order to find the most comfortable ways to learn in Bangkit.
I know that I'm a Visual-Auditory person and comfortable with learning by looking through videos. To satisfy my visual needs, I searched for information about my learning path from various platforms beyond those provided by Bangkit, such as YouTube or illustrated articles, to facilitate my understanding. Additionally, I also interacted with my peers and mentors on Discord if I faced difficulties in my assignments.
4. Ways of Working
I have a short time span. So, I often struggles in focusing on one thing in a long time. In Bangkit, there's a lot of videos or learning materials that i have to watch or read. It often made me exhausted.
In order to help me maintaining focus while learn is I have to set my room in a calm ambience. I also have designed my own preference in working styles. I'm a night owl. So, in the daytime, I take a rest to recharge my energy and do the assignments. And at the nighttime, I spent my 6 hours of learning to watch all the courses materials. I also listen to R&B music to help me focus during the study time.
5. Ways of Thinking
Failures and mistakes is something I experience a lot in life. Even when I knew that I'm a Bangkit student, i faced fears. I fear if anyone is better and more expert than me, afraid of fails, experiencing anxious and lack of confidence.
However, Bangkit has helped me to provide my worries with many ILT Soft-Skill sessions so i can get a tips on how to maintaining my worries. I also learned about Growth Mindset. I also looking back at the first time why I decided to joined Bangkit, I believe i could do it. Since then, I started to appreciate every small progress that i achieved in Bangkit, believe that if anyone could do it, then i could do it too.
I also not afraid to taking any risks because failure is something I have not to worry about. Hence, it's a sign for me to believe that failure can be an opportunity to grow and learn.