5 Ways Of Adaptability

5 Ways Of Adaptability

"If you can not explain it simply, you don not understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

It seems that the wise words above would greatly represent what I write in this article. We can see how the world is rapidly changing, yet nothing is certain, and there are many things we need to prepare for because adaptability is the key to surviving through the developments in this world. These changes make every individual continue to grow and adapt to the situations around them. Many people view these changes as natural; some prepare for them, while others underestimate them. However, for those who are prepared, this becomes an advantage, meaning they can adapt to change effectively, even bringing about change for those around them and becoming role models.


There are many factors we can find, both in individuals, environmental factors, and factors for adaptation and adjustment. This is a great opportunity for me, especially in following the process in MBKM from Bangkit. Every program given is highly facilitated to aid in development, both in soft skills and hard skills. Especially what I have learned, which is adaptability and resilience. In this matter, I learned about 5 ways to adapt, namely:

  1. Ways to interacting,
  2. Ways to achieving
  3. Ways to learning
  4. Ways to working, and
  5. Ways to thinking.

I will share my experience regarding these 5 Ways of Adapability during the Bangkit program.


1. Ways to Interacting

During this program, I learned not only to meet friends from the same campus as mine but also encountered people from different educational backgrounds, ethnicities, languages, ages, and different ultimate goals. This made each encounter new for me with people who have personalities that are equally eager to develop adaptation. In this opportunity, I learned to interact not only in Indonesian but also in English, although I am very lacking in proficiency and feel embarrassed. Yet, it was enjoyable when many people helped and encouraged me throughout this process. Thus, this will be increasingly useful in adapting to new friends. Whenever I have a question about work progress and issues, there will always be sessions to get every question answered through experienced mentors in their field, who are also alumni of Bangkit. This has led to more ideas and facilitated my adaptation during the Bangkit program.

2. Ways to Achieving

Similarly, in interacting to achieve results, I also met people with different knowledge and understandings. Although I myself have a background in information systems, in my class, there are also those who are not from computer science but from Mathematics, Physics, or other fields. In this matter, I also experienced the need for more appropriate strategies and more accurate steps in understanding the knowledge in this field. Yet, I believe that the interest and enthusiasm I poured into this are not trivial. I maintained the motivation to overcome problems, complete tasks, and face challenges in the Capstone project. I tried to learn by finding new friends to achieve and complete this project. One thing emphasized is to not be selfish and careless in every step, and to be able to comply with the rules, so that the expected results will arise. Through prioritizing tasks, I took the right steps while developing and nurturing a mindset to learn from mistakes to improve oneself so that goals can be achieved.

3. Ways to Learning

Learning methods are the most important aspect in my adaptation process during the program. I gained a lot of new knowledge in Mobile Development or Android through discussions with friends and guidance from mentors in weekly meetings. This made learning enjoyable and not boring for me. It would also be more enjoyable if the results I have worked on could help those who have not yet completed the program. I also joined many groups to further explore Android knowledge with friends from outside who are more experienced, especially in building relations through LinkedIn. The learning method I emphasized focused on reading, listening, and practicing from beginning to end. Reference videos through modules and YouTube were also very useful during this learning process.


4. Ways to Working

Although participating in this MBKM program consumes a lot of time from what we have prepared, I have started to adapt my time for learning and personal time, making it more focused and flexible. This is supported by some soft skills given, especially in time management, which is indeed very important so that every task given is not ignored or missed. Even though I have many personal activities, combined with campus activities such as organizations and gardening, which also help weaker people, it requires appropriate time allocation so that everything can be completed. This is supported through Google Calendar as a reminder, Discord, which we can use to ask friends and mentors, and finally, coding as a means of learning, which is the platform from Bangkit throughout the process until I can complete it.


5. Ways to Thinking

What I often feel is just one way of thinking, but during this process, it is not just that, but there are two, namely fixed mindset and growth mindset. Initially, I thought both were the same because they revolve around mindset, but after going through the soft skills development session and cultivating a mindset within myself, I realize they are different. This is closely related to the "Time Management" session, so that not much time is wasted in learning at Bangkit. Now, I increasingly feel finding and trying to overcome weaknesses I have by looking for room to continue learning, accepting feedback so that I can become a better person during the learning process until completing it at Bangkit in 2024.


Everyone has different thoughts, different goals, and different ways of adapting. There's no need to feel competitive, no need to be afraid of being different from others. Instead, use it as fuel within yourself as a leap to further and higher understanding of what potential lies within you. Keep adapting, make changes. Thank you for reading my article based on my experience. I hope your day is always enjoy.

#lifeatBangkit #Bangkit2024"


