5 Ways of Adaptability I Have Done Upon Joining Bangkit
Avelia Diva Zahra
Software Quality Assurance Engineer at Skor Technologies, Teaching and Research Assistant at Universitas Indonesia
Hello, i am Avelia and i would like to share about my story in Bangkit 2023. More specifically, the five ways of adaptability i have done upon joining Bangkit.
So, what is adaptability?
It is the ability to learn flexibly and efficiently to apply that knowledge across situations.
In this article, i will tell you how i adapt in several situations. Lets begin!
Adapting in Ways of Interacting
In Bangkit, i have encountered many people from different background, age, and field than mine. In my opinion, it will be more challenging to interact when people are more diverse. The variety of opinions and views will play a role in our discussion and interactions.
For example, i have found that it is quite difficult to coincide with people who have different focus and view than mine. While i focus on technicality, another teammate focus on the main concept. When i want to recruit who have a lot of experiences, another teammate would prefer to recruit someone with fresh ideas but inexperienced.
But, i have found out that we can find common ground. We just need to listen and empathize with each other, actually listen where the other is coming from. Explaining your reasons clearly and logically will help a lot too.
Adapting in Ways of Achieving
I don't think it is an uncommon thing to lose motivation in the middle of the program. Not only me, but my friends in Bangkit Mobile Development sometimes also feels stressed and unmotivated. That is why we set goals together.
To keep our motivation, we remind each other of our achievable small goals. The goals we set includes finish the course before a certain amount of time, submit the assignment before certain dates, etc. That is how we adapt in way of achieving, we set goals and complete achievements together.
Adapting in Ways of Learning
Learning android is not easy for me. There are a lot of codes i need to understand and master. In Bangkit, i have learned that "getting my feet wet" is the best way to learn this. So now, doing the assignments and practice is how i mainly learn. I also asked the help of my friends and mentor when i encountered problems. I am also not afraid of errors anymore. When i solve it, i always remembered it. In a way, errors are my best teachers.
Adapting in Ways of Working
At first, it is hard to set my working hours to do Bangkit submissions. To be honest, i may be still struggling with it. But, one thing i have learned from trial and error (and missed deadlines) is that i at least need 5 days to prepare and make an application. So, moving forward, i am going to spare a week to focus on submission. I do so in order to make the best application i can produce.
Adapting in Ways of Thinking
One thing about me is i have this burden called impostor syndrome. It is not rare that i convince myself that i am incapable and unqualified to do a lot of things. And that my achievement is nothing to be appreciative for.
Bangkit made me realize that i have a fixed mindset. Now that i have consciously applying growth mindset to myself, i am doing better. So what if i do not understand backend enough? learn! don't be afraid to ask other people! and if i feel particularly brave, i will apply for a project. What if i am not a good leader? learn! i take leadership positions! you won't know until you try.
So with that, i have finally learned to be more forgiving to myself when i make mistakes, and be more brave to learn and take risks.
By learning to find common ground, setting achievable goals, making mistakes, allocating time, and applying a growth mindset, we can become more adaptable individuals and better equipped to navigate any challenges that come our way.