5 Ways of Adaptability and How I Implement Them in Bangkit Academy 2023
Bastian Arfianto
Bangkit Academy 2023 Mobile Development Graduate | Web, Mobile Developer and Design Enthusiast
There can be no life without change, and to be afraid of what is different or unfamiliar is to be afraid of life.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Hello, everyone! ??
I'm Bastian Arfianto from Mobile Development Learning Path - 09 (MD-09) and in today's article, I want to share my experience while learning at Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka. As a part of 2023 Cohort, it was quite challenging and struggle at the beginning. With bunch of sessions, assignments, and materials that should be attended and finished, I have to be adapted with these activities very quickly, which was something that every people do. At first, I thought that 'adapt' is a common and natural trait that very easy to do with little to no knowledge about it. But, after I attended instructor-led training (ILT) ILT-SS-04-AQ about Adaptability and Resilience, it changed my mind. I gained a lot a knowledge in this session.
This session was held on Monday, 3 April 2023 and led by instructor Aidil Wicaksono. He was a lecturer in Gunadarma University and also a digital trainer and podcaster. In this session, He instructed this session very well both using Bahasa Indonesia and English with materials provided by Bangkit Academy but also he shared his own experience during his work in Q&A session.
One of material that intrigued is when he shared and explained things that we need to adapt in workplace which was elaborated into 5 ways named "5 Ways of Adaptability". So in today's article, I want to summarize this material ("5 Ways of Adaptability") and also how I implement them in Bangkit Academy 2023.
Ways of Interacting ???
As this program conducted fully online, interacted with study groups, mentors, instructors, and Bangkit Academy team is very important. Bangkit Academy provide an official discord server as one and only way to interact each other in this program, which for many of us are not familiar with this platform. For me personally, I rarely using this platform to communicate as I am not a gamer (Fyi, this platform usually used for gamers) but I managed to adapt to use this platform.
This program also mandated us to use English as a primary language verbally and written, which for most of us is not common. For me personally, I assume that this rule can encourage us to learn English more deeply, especially in grammar, vocabulary, and speaking. I always used the closed-captions (CC) feature in Google Meet when ILT to help me understands better what speaker said and to understands better the materials.
Ways of Achieving ??
Ways of Achieving is all about setting our goals and find a way to accomplish them. For me, joining Bangkit Academy is one of my goal and also a way for me to accomplish my another goal, which is to achieving my dream to work specialized in IT industry.
In Bangkit Academy, there are some activities that for me is a way to achieve our goal. For instance, all students in class attended a session called "weekly consultation" once a week. This session held by mentor to monitor their student's learning progress and asking for students who faced difficulties during learning. For me personally, this session is one of way of achieving goals to finish the course and assignment. This session also motivated me to keep staying 'on track' with student's timeline.
Ways of Learning ??
Learning is a main focus in Bangkit Academy. I joined Bangkit Academy because I want to learn knowledge and skills, especially knowledge in learning path that I followed which is Mobile Development. Bangkit Academy provided some self-learning courses in various platforms. For mobile development learning path, Bangkit Academy provided all courses in Dicoding platform.
Ways of Working ??
There are several ways of working while in Bangkit Academy. In term of type of working, some prefers to working by watch the materials, and some prefers to working by listening to the materials, and some prefers to working by doing it on their own. I personally prefer to working by watch and also doing an experiment on my own. In term of working style, some prefers to working together with their friends/relatives and some prefers to working alone. I personally prefer to working alone in my room.
Ways of Thinking ??
In Bangkit Academy, there is an Instructor-led Training (ILT) that covers soft skills. They covers things such as growth mindset that basically encourages us to having growth mindset which can lead us to boost our personal development. They also covers time management and critical thinking which was a skill that usually forgotten by students.